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This Is Disgusting — And the Food Sounds Gross Too

It is by now generally understood, at least in the sound money community, that inflation is much higher than the government admits and that the true extent of the problem is being hidden in various ways. But the specifics keep getting more and more disturbing. Here’s a recent Phoenix Capital note (via Zero Hedge) on the adulteration of our “food.”

Do You REALLY Think The Official Inflation Numbers Are Even CLOSE To Accurate?

Last week we noted that inflation has already entered the economy. It isn’t showing up in nominal price hikes because it never does at first… As we noted last week…

Let’s be clear here… inflation does NOT mean prices have to move higher in nominal terms. The reason for this is because companies cannot and will not simply raise prices overnight. Consumers will not simply put up with the cost of a good going up time and again.

So don’t look for the cost of an item to necessarily go straight up in nominal terms. This can happen, but more often than not, corporations engage in a number of different strategies to maintain profit margins without raising prices.

These strategies include:

1) Shrinking the box/package of the good, thereby selling less for the same amount.
2) Not filling the package all the way; again selling less for the same amount.
3) Changing what’s considered a “serving size” or the quantity of good being sold.
4) Swapping in lower quality ingredients, thereby selling a lower quality good for the same amount.

Companies have been doing all of these since 2008. Most recently however, costs have risen to the point that these strategies won’t cut it anymore. Consequently, we’re starting to see prices going up across the board.

Regarding #4, Burger King was caught putting wood pulp in its burgers.

There may be more fiber in your food than you realized. Burger King, McDonald’s and other fast food companies list in the ingredients of several of their foods, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) or “powdered cellulose” as components of their menu items. Or, in plain English, wood pulp.

The emulsion-stabilizing, cling-improving, anti-caking substance operates under multiple aliases, ranging from powdered cellulose to cellulose powder to methylcellulose to cellulose gum. The entrance of this non-absorbable fiber into fast food ingredients has been stealthy, yet widespread: The compound can now be found in buns, cheeses, sauces, cakes, shakes, rolls, fries, onion rings, smoothies, meats—basically everything.

The cost effectiveness of this filler has pushed many chains to use progressively less chicken in their “chicken” and cream in their “ice cream.” McDonald’s ranks highest on the list with cellulose integrated into 14 of their menu items including their renowned fish fillets, chicken strips and biscuits, with Burger King ranking second on the list with 13 menu items containing cellulose. Moreover, many cellulose-laden ingredients (such as honey mustard, bbq sauce, and cheese blends) can be found in multiple items throughout the menu making the filler difficult to avoid.


One has to wonder… just how high are real costs that a food company substitutes wood pulp for meat?

One also has to wonder… just how accurate is the CPI or any government inflation metric that looks primarily at nominal pricing? The simple answer to that one is “not accurate at all.”

Inflation is a reality. Firms around the world are doing whatever they can to maintain profits while keeping costs low. Using wood pulp instead of meat in burgers is just one more trick.

We’ll be seeing more stories like this in the coming months. I wouldn’t be surprised if food companies everywhere have been resorting to similar strategies.

This concludes this article. If you’re looking for the means of protecting your portfolio from the coming collapse, you can pick up a FREE investment report titled Protect Your Portfolio athttp://phoenixcapitalmarketing.com/special-reports.html.

This report outlines a number of strategies you can implement to prepare yourself and your loved ones from the coming market carnage.

Best Regards

Phoenix Capital Research

Some thoughts
Anyone who eats (or allows their kids to eat) modern fast food pretty much gets what they deserve in any event. But it’s still upsetting to see it spelled out.

And this, of course, is just the tip of a very big, very unappetizing iceberg. Click here for an amazing (but not surprising) example of Coca Cola Company selling “pomegranate blueberry juice” that has just 0.5% of those juices combined.

Companies have always tried these kinds of tricks, which is why even some libertarians accept the existence of truth-in-advertising laws. But lately the pressure on even generally honest companies (as opposed to those mentioned above) has become overwhelming, as the government generates real inflation in the 6% range while reporting only 2%. In this supposedly low-inflation world a store or manufacturer can’t raise prices sufficiently to cover its rising costs and is left with few palatable options. So a growing number of them are choosing lower quality, deceptive packaging and secrecy.

This, in short, is yet another way in which an unlimited fiat currency printing press corrupts a society.

40 thoughts on "This Is Disgusting — And the Food Sounds Gross Too"

  1. The greatest enemy you face was born the exact same instant you were and can be found by looking into the nearest mirror…
    ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil.
    in science when they discover truth…such as irrational numbers…or reality which is unreasonable they are rounded or normalized into fantasies believed to be or promoted as reality or what is reasonable.
    like Pi…the end has never been found…so truth is unreasonable or negative and is rejected in favor of that which is positive of reasonable.
    and pi is 3.14…which is a lie believed to be Truth or reasonable assumption…not a logical conclusion.
    people ignorant of Truth employ absolute self indulgent reason to solve the problem of continued existence…or absolute or negative capitalism…taking more power than is given.
    the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain life…the logical conclusion is always eternal death.
    people knowledgeable of Truth employ responsible altruistic logic to solve the problem of continued existence…or responsible or positive capitalism…sharing power as equally as possible with all and everything.
    the same as chopping down trees as fast as or slower than they regrow to sustain life…the logical conclusion is always eternal life…because there is no logical conclusion.
    seems simple…but it is easier to take more power than is given…since it is the default path of least effort that all and everything in the Universe follows…the path of most effort is hard to follow at the start.
    because it is easier to chop down a tree faster than it regrows than to chop a tree down as fast as or slower than it regrows.

    1. Taio: To know and think we do not know is the
      highest attainment; not to know and think we do know is a disease.

  2. you all investing into escaping working for a living have been imploding yield rates down towards Absolute 0 from absolute 1 for 33 years now.
    The fed does not set yield rates…the net producers do.
    the net consumers of yield or light bulbs are the demand for power…master and servants…eaters of food
    the net producers of yield or power plants are the supply of power…slaves…growers of food.
    The FED is a follower that claims it is the leader.
    The FED is a broken coo coo clock and the Fed chair is the birdie the powers that be kick up to chirp the or sell lies promoted as Truth that all of you have been socially engineered to shop till you drop and buy.
    all the credit creation in the USA originates in the 6000 or so individual commercial banks in the USA.
    the QE is to subsidize the primary dealers…since in 2008 the population of the USA turned from fundable assets…or positively yielding…into unfundable liabilities…or negatively yielding.
    the demand for yield became greater than the supply of yield from the population of the USA.
    meaning that before the collapse…you invest a US dollar into the USA and you get 1.05 dollars back…or 5% yield
    when the maximum potential was reached due to the collapse of the 1991 to 2006 new home construction real estate boom…the supply of yield vanished.
    supplying the primary dealers with negative returns…making it impossible for them to buy up all the treasuries…which should have caused interest rates to hyperinflate and the credit supply of banking system to hyperdeflate or implode to oblivion.
    the late 2008 G20 was where the puppet leaders were told to implement the greatest global economic intervention in history to produce the 2009 cover point or bounce march 5th…the Dow made a new all time high march 5th 2013…but since 2013 the boom has been turning into a bust leading into 2014…it’s why Ukraine imploded.
    the supply of US dollar inflation that is drying up…was cut off…like closing water tight doors on the titanic…all the external economic collapses globally are an effect of the collapse of the inflation exported out of the USA into the rest of the world the past 6 decades…drying up…the collapse of the US dollar = debt deflation.
    from 1944 to 2008 was the expansion of the US dollar or debt inflation.

  3. the bottom supply the master or top with real power that the master converts into fake power or money which is the servant all slave for.
    all the slaves rent the money supply from the master and the cost to pay the rent is hidden in the prices of everything.

  4. I’ll make it real simple. In 1971 a quart of milk cost 25 cents. It’s now $2. That’s 800% price inflation in just over 40 years. Almost 20% per year. What else happened in 1971? Nixon took the dollar off gold. Get the connection?

    1. Funny you mention that 800%. I remember back in the late 1970’s I used to buy a pack of Marlboro and a quart of name brand beer, for a combined price of exactly $1. That was in Ohio. I no longer drink or smoke, but I visited Ohio recently, and the Marlboro alone was well over $5, and I think a quart of beer is around $2, so pretty close to your 800% increase.

      Who knows. Maybe they are putting ‘filler’ in one or both products, or a lower quality tobacco or hops? They are not going to advertise that, lol.

      1. in ’72, gas was 25 cents per gallon, and so was a gallon of milk, but a young buck working man like I was could earn 4.50/ hour digging ditches. That means my wage was “18 gallons per hour” or the equivalent of $72 per hour using a shovel.

        I say the 800% decrease in standard of living had less to do with the shedding the Gold/silver standard and more to do with OIL. we were the world’s leading cheap oil producer in late 60’s, came off gold and went to an oil-backed-dollar, just as domestic oil production plummented

    2. Inflation compounds. That’s not 20% per year, more like 5.34% per year. Still not great, but not as extreme as your comment makes it out to be.

    3. Cows have become 800% more stingy with milk, hence the increase in prices. Don’t you dare question your masters!

  5. In an article partially written about how the govt deceives us, it’s sort of ironic to see a link to an NPR article when NPR is a disgusting govt propaganda outlet.
    I despise corporate america as much as any sane person, but the oppressive apparatus in DC and it’s various propaganda arms are far far worse any day.

    BTW – haven’t had fast food in about 15 years, and won’t start now. Rarely eat out at all, either, as most of that crap is just canned or prepackaged nonsense.
    Even cooking my own fresh, however, I am not entirely certain how tainted the ingredients are, but likely it is less so than the garbage the restaurants overcharge you for these days.

  6. this story is a good argument for grinding your own hamburger from meat you buy directly from a farmer or a local slaughterhouse.

    as for me , no more Mcdonalds or other fast food burgers, hot dogs , etc for me

  7. How about actually learning about food production before jumping to conclusions. Things such as cellulose are food grade, and have been added to food such as shredded cheese and ground beef for decades. Its an accepted, and much needed, agent to prevent food from sticking together in the package. Its not new at all, and has always been used. Points about shrinking package sizes are fair, but also have been going on for decades at least. Its a annual ritual, nothing really new about it. It is hidden inflation, but its always been present.
    Btw, I do agree with many points presented, I simply wanted to clarify the points regarding the food industry.

    1. Pray tell, why is it not given on the list of additives in the store? Why is it that when one purchases bacon, for instance, the actual amount of water is not given as a percentage. When one purchases bacon at whatever price they pay, they are primarily paying for water and very, very thinly sliced meat. Oh yes, it is still a pound. A pound of mostly water. Fry or bake it, weigh it, and find out it’s true weight. It is for these reasons that making one’s own is far cheaper and healthier. My bacon is to die for, takes only 5 days to cure, and requires NO brine and injectable brine flavorings and dangerous curative agents. I smoke my own for about 3 to 4 hours…none of that liquid smoke stuff. When I cook mine, it tastes like, um, like, yes!, meat, not a salt lick. When I calculate my cost vs. the cost in the store…I’ll gladly waive my labor costs in consideration of the quality I am receiving. I figure that what I make would easily cost me $10.00/# in the store (if I could even find it)…while the rest of the world gladly pays anywhere from $3.00 for pure junk to $6.00 for a purer quality of junk that is a little bit wider. BTW…mine does not curl or shrink into cute little postage stamps. I figure that mine costs about $3.50/# cured and ready to cook. Pork bellies are not from Iowa, they are local. Next year I am going to purchase a whole hog and make prosciutto and other salumi.

      1. Family members kid me about the amount time I spend in the garden. They say I could buy a bag of carrots or whatever for a dollar in the store. But they are quoting the price for junk carrots. I’m growing organic produce. So the proper comparison is to organically grown produce. Have you seen the prices grocery stores charge for organically grown, lol?

        Only the top 10% or 20% of the population can afford organic produce, store bought, because it costs twice as much, or more, on top of high prices for ‘regular’ produce. But if you are lucky enough to have space, and enjoy gardening, you can eat pesticide free veggies for half the year, or longer if you do home canning.

        With home canning, that is a lot of work. But again, you cannot compare your pesticide free jar of peppers to any old store bought can that costs $2 or $3. They don’t list the pesticides used to grow the peppers on the side of the can.

  8. We aren’t human beings. We’re weasels. There’s plenty of blame to go around with the product downsizing. It’s not just the food industry. It’s easier to downsize a product than it is to cross swords with the FED and their minions. It seems like all consumer products have less quality than a decade ago. Clothes hardware all of it has been downsized in quality and durability.

  9. There is no way to sell a burger for less than $1.50 without cutting corners. Russian bread, 10% flour and 90% sawdust. It coming soon with the dollar destruction?

    1. Where will they get the sawdust after the economy has collapsed? That assumes forests remain and that sawmills are running.

  10. Anyone who eats fast food deserves what they get? Really? That’s like saying if you are poor you deserve what you get. Anyone who puts up with too big to fail and a government bought and paid for by them and their shills, corporations, deserves what they get,until they decide they don’t. The colonialist decided that they didn’t want any more corporate intervention into their economy, and had a Tea Party against the King and his share holders. Is your pot boiling……..? And I don’t mean Tea puppet Republicans who never picked up a history book calling themselves patriots.

    1. I do not disagree with anything you wrote until your sentence accusing the Tea Party of ignorance and alliance with the Republicrats. Not ALL tea parties were filled with puppet Republicans who never picked up a history book. I am the president emeritus of a tea party, and we fought the GOP in our state constantly. Their shills, plants, and spies were legion everywhere in the state, as well as in our own tea party. We asked them to leave us alone, and they said they would (but when they say so, one never believes, but makes notes, and after shaking hands, counts rings, fingers, checks for their wallet, and then washes their hands, or perhaps takes a shower). We had a policy whereby we would not endorse any candidate. Candidates of any stripe could reach out to us, and we reached out to even Democrats (no takers…cowards) to come and talk to us about their party, their beliefs, what their platform was, etc… Members were told to do their own due diligence. In order to do that our new president formed an extensive lending library of history, political, economic, philosophical, and books by current authors. I have to admit that some of the Republicrat candidates were worse than the Demipublicans, and that is a stretch in this supposedly very red state, that is really exceedingly blue. Fox News and the GOP would have you believe just about anything. When I started out on this quest I was a Republican. I practiced what I preached. Telling my Tea Party membership that we need to be an infection in the GOP, and that we needed to get involved in something, anything, whether it would be becoming an activist calling local, state, or federal representatives regarding legislation, or doing research for the tea party, or getting involved in politics, any activity was better than being a couch potato. I became a precinct delegate. And then I became a delegate a 2nd time. As time went on, my understanding about the depth and width and height of the corruption became more apparent to me. The party left me, so I left the party. Although I am no longer involved in the Tea Party due to a genetic disease, involving constant trips to the hospital, our tea party is exceedingly well read, and can stand toe to toe with almost anyone regarding current legislation, the constitution, current, historical, and ancient literature regarding politics, economics, history, religion…you name it. Having said that, I know that not all tea party’s are like this. I have had the misfortune of attending some of those meetings, and have spoken with other tea party members who have had to find other “homes” because of the lack of knowledge, lack of leadership, and desire to find a bond at the hips with the Republicrats. Too many leaders are looking to use their start in the Tea Party as a launching pad into political stardom. I know personally of at least 4 or 5 people who are doing this…the number could be greater. I have been solicited by numbers of people, as well as the GOP to run for office. No way. I am not going to bow before Baal. I would respectfully request that others not glibly toss pejoratives about unless there has been actual attendance to tea party meetings, or been in their leadership. Please remember too: these “puppets” are people for the most part have never been in a leadership position before. Many of the people that have just awoken are factory line workers, stay at home moms, grandparents, hamburger flippers, and yes, there are medical doctors, lawyers, salespeople…heck, I even met a theologian schooled in the Vatican with bishops and cardinals, and she was not a nun, but she was one smart cookie. The point I am trying to make is that these people are also seeing that their country has been crumbling since before Clinton, and that “W”, even though he may be a good man, was not the best president…rather he was not even a RINO. He was a Republicrat. So all these people want to do something, are pulling their hair out, trying to repent for voting for shitty representatives, trying to make amends to no end. One last thought: One of our Board Members came up with this concept, and it is most appropriate: The people coming to the Tea Parties are fragile. Seeing their country devolving into some nightmare that they could not imagine 25 years ago (even though it was well underway even when Reagan was president), they want to have victories measured in miles, and are not content with anything else. They are not able to hear any ideas but those of their own, or those that are similar to their own. If you present an idea that is contrary, you may find yourself cut off at the knees. These folks have forgotten that the socialists and communists have been content to wait well over 120 years, and have been happy with gains of 1 mm, or even loses. If one Tea Party does not kow tow to their wants, needs, or desires, then they go looking to see if there is something better. I could go on, but this is the end. Sorry for being so long.

      1. Yes, the most exciting thing about the original “tea party” (aka the Ron Paul Revolution circa late 2007) was that all these young people were reading the Constitution and the Federalist papers and Common Sense and learning all this early US history, and in the beginning they gave astonishingly sophisticated answers to reporters. I got caught up in this too and it awakened a respect in me for the earliest united States that I had not had before. I didn’t care that much about the candidate I was voting for, so much as that I was encouraging a mass experiment in education & a renewal of debate and critical thinking (& very successful crowd funding).

        Alas, it seems it was entirely and totally co-opted by the Republican party (and was pilloried by the Dems) and suffered from intense and false propaganda. There were plants at tea party events, people bused in who barely knew why they were there, terrible media coverage, etc. (If there was a misspelled tea party sign that did NOT go viral I would be very surprised.)

        Later, on the left, the Occupy groups learned their lesson from the co-opting of the tea party and refused to name leadership or ask followers to sign on to a specific list of demands. This arguably made them less effective, but on the other hand they were not co-opted in the same way. The politicos couldn’t pigeonhole the Occupy folks well enough to propagandize against them very effectively.

        Let’s hope the next movement is non-partisan and has learned how to maintain independence and refute media labels. Eventually we’ll get it right.

        1. and hopefully the Occupiers will have grown up and will respect other people’s rights and property (just ask the residents and small business owners, and pedestrians in Lower Manhanttan)…and maybe they won’t defecate and urinate in public and make spectacles and jokes about “their” civil rights… Just sayin’.

          1. This sounds just like the left’s claims that no one in the Tea Party can spell, they are barely literate, and none of them are aware that Medicare is a government program. We the People are trivially easy to divide and conquer.

          2. Ленин постоянно подписания смертные приговоры «полезных идиотов».
            Lenin estaba constantemente firmanda sentencias de muerte a “idiotas útiles”. Translated into English from Russian and Spanish, “Lenin used to constantly sign death sentences for “useful idiots”. This covers the, “left’s claim that no one in the Tea Party can spell, they are barely literate, and…etc…”. I have 2 degrees, speak 2 languages, and though I do not consider myself smart, I am not dumb (I graduated from university magna cum laude with my 2nd degree in computer science). I am a tea party member, president emeritus of the same organization, and at least for the party I belong to, would gladly defend our members. They are knowledgeable, easy going, willing to stand for their civil rights, and they know what the difference is between one give away program and another. Sounds like you have never been to a tea party meeting, have a axe to grind, and other issues. It is easy to hurl pejoratives when you can not see the person you are having a conversation with isn’t it? Lucretius once quipped, “De nihilo nihil”. I hope and expect that this conversation was a once only, and that your others a more substative. Only one other person I know has 2 sentence sound bites, which sound about this logical, but are more divisive nationally.

          3. I’ll assume that your lack of reading comprehension in this particular case was just a one-off thing. You totally misunderstood my comment and apparently did not read my earlier comment.

            Claims that Occupiers were all peeing in the streets and were such potheads they couldn’t answer reporters are at best grotesque exaggerations. Exactly in the same way that leftist claims that Tea Party folks were barely literate and totally ignorant were, at best, grotesque exaggerations. When I said “If there were any misspelled Tea Party signs that did NOT go viral I’d be surprised” — I was speaking about the left-wing’s determination to take any misspelling and plaster it all over the internet as “proof” that Tea Partiers don’t read. Which is not only annoying, but ignores the clear possibility that people were showing up at such protests with intentionally misspelled signs just to take the pictures.

            Unsanctioned political movements are always tarred and feathered by a media that finds it easy to enlist the “other side” against said movement. They feature some rasta dude and some drunk guy peeing on the sidewalk and suddenly the entire right-leaning population despises the Occupiers. Similarly, they show a few misspelled signs and a sign reading “Keep government out of my Medicare!” and the left wing snorts with laughter and derision at the Tea Party and never again listens to anything they have to say. Do you see how easy we are to manipulate? And why the common people have no influence in politics because we are so easy to divide?

            I don’t imagine that you’ve read my comments on earlier blog posts going back many months, but if you did you’d know I am against people attacking their neighbors, i.e. their fellow average joes. What I am for is finding common ground among the vast majority of us who are not politically powerful, and banding together in pursuit of the common goals we do have. It’s very important to ignore popular media anecdotes in trying to do this. As you have pointed out, the straw men so popular in media accounts are often — or almost always — ridiculously inaccurate.

          4. Unfortunately I do not get to read everything every day, and do not read all of the blog responses; were that the case, I would be wasting too much time. This is multiplied since I am regularly in and out of the hospital for a genetic disease treatment that I have. I try to be as civil as possible, but I am constantly running into people at much higher pay grades than I’ll ever see who badger tea party members, who are honest hard working folk who just happened to trust liers at the ballot box. Over the last 4 years I have seen and heard from the precinct and county levels of the GOP to the RNC at the State and National level all of the bad mouthing about the Tea Party that I can stand. I have seen corruption that honestly blew my mind. I knew that GOP politics was wishy-washy, but I did not comprehend that these supposedly wonderful people with the supposed same values would eat their own. Same goes for the MSM, and that goes for FOX. I will tell you, and you can see how far down in my post this is, that I was upset that you accused me of not being able to comprehend reading…and you were correct. Unfortunately I have not read your posts before today; i know I went over the edge, and I am sorry. I have no excuse for MY bad behavior. I had no right to attack you. Please accept my apology. SAR.

          5. Hey, no big deal, I just didn’t want to be misunderstood. It’s great that you’re politically involved, and I wish you the best with your health. I think everybody has a challenge in not responding to the usual divisive tactics of the media, and instead remembering that we’re all real people and have many common interests.

      2. The Bretton woods global trade agreement imploded the USA down to absolute 0 to power the explosion of credit up to absolute 1.

        the USA was made the fractional reserve or reality to power the rest of the world which is the created out of thin air fantasy…that reached maximum potential in 2008…and has been collapsing ever since.

        from 1941 to 1971 = spring…3

        1971 to 2001 = summer…6

        2001 to 2031 = fall…9

        2001 to 2008 was Indian summer.

        Dec 7 1941 to Sept 15 2008 when the controlled demolition of Lehman’s happened.

        24389 days.

        24389/365.25 = 66.773 Years.

        24389/366 = 66.636 Years

        But 66 years 9 months 1 week and 1 day.


        Where Lehman’s filed for chapter 11.

        Dec 7 1941 to August 15, 1971…where The Bretton woods system collapsed but didn’t

        29 years 8 months 1 week and 1 day.


        Sound money?
        The gold and silver in the USA was fractionally reserves from square 1.
        The US dollar was basically a credit instrument in 1944…when it was made the global trade medium of exchange and the rest of the credit instruments of the world were fixed to it…making the rest of the credit instruments of the world derivatives of the US dollar.
        from 1944 to 2008…the credit which is debt used as the money supply inflated or compounded or exponentially by around 7.9% per year.
        Then collapsed since the demand for yield become greater than supply.
        more net consumers of power or yield in relation to net producers of power or yield.
        there is not way to elect you way out of what you just spent 6 decades electing your way into.
        replacing the President is like changing the captain of the titanic out.
        senators and congressmen.
        that is like replacing a gatekeeper that has you locked below deck that you do not like with a gatekeeper that you do like.

        1. Did I say something wrong? I was only responding to a portion of Dan’s comment. Please see the post immediately above. I understand what you are saying…but as a reply to my post about maintaining integrity in the Tea Party, and keeping the GOP out of the Tea Party, this fine post would be like me replying in Spanish or Russian. I am honored nonetheless. =O

      3. Nixon was an installed puppet…If the new economy was not implemented in 1971…The USA along with the rest of the world would have imploded to oblivion.
        all that happened in 1971 was the rules were changed.
        Bretton woods was doomed to failure from square 1…All that has happened over the past 7 decades was a constant postponement of arrival at the logical conclusion or defeat of the reasonable assumption of victory.
        2008 was the beginning of the end of Bretton woods.

        1. I do not disagree with you at all. My reply to Dan was that I 1.) agreed with what he said regarding his round about agreement with John Rubino. My missive, was my desire to explain that not all Tea Party members are “puppets” of the GOP, and that more Tea Party members than he might think are indeed very well read in regards to history. Not the majority of Americans, but a lions share of the Tea Party may be. Nixon was a puppet of his own making. The man was brilliant, but paranoid. Sometimes those kind of people end up being smarter by half, and becoming useful idiots. His election, like many others, was the case of voting for the lesser of 2 evils, and in Nixon’s case, it became the greater of the 2 evils.

      4. during the last great depression…or collapse into the abyss since below 6.448 % yield which is the 0 point of the exponential growth equation…you require exponentially increasing volume…or what the FED calls aggregate demand to support yields…
        below 6.448% credit hyperinflation turns into credit hyperdeflation.
        the credit crested out of thin air return back into thin air faster an faster.
        last time England dumped grain at sea to reduce supply in relation to demand while the population starved to support price.
        bread basket of Africa Zimbabwe…was turned into the basket case of Africa when the white farmers were attacked…the net exporter was turned into a net importer…and all the gold and silver that entered into circulation…circulated out of the country and did not come back.
        The pipelines that should have been built in north America were not…and now the rile lines are being clogged with crude…displacing the grain shipments…the bumper crops from 2013…still have not made it to market…because most of the rail lines are used up carrying crude.

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