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Top Ten Videos – April 1, 2024

Michael Oliver: No One Is Expecting This Next Upset (March. 30 2024)

Liberty and Finance...



Gold is currently leading the market and is likely to continue to rise, with potential for significant gains in silver and mining ETFs as well.


  • Gold is behaving as the leader of the pack in the market, with silver and the miners lagging behind.
  • The central banks are concerned about their bond market crashing, leading to potential inflationary policies and pushing gold to all-time highs.
  • According to momentum analysis, a small drop in the S&P to 5200 could lead to a larger downturn of at least 5-10%.
  • Gold will be ahead of the game when the Fed starts easing, causing a jolt in the market.
  • The mistake most technicians are making right now is treating the metrics of the last several years as the norm and comparing current technical action to that.
  • The recent surge in gold to 2200 is different and unlikely to drop back down, with momentum and technical reasons to argue for continued upside.
  • The miners and silver ETFs are technically poised to engage in a way that could lead to significant gains, potentially outperforming gold in the near future.
  • The key indicators that people should be looking at and paying attention to right now are stock markets, bond markets, foreign exchange, and commodities with an emphasis on gold and silver.

Lucas Vos: Money - The Language of Human Action (March 29, 2024)

What is Money?...



The nature of money and central banking is problematic and malevolent, underlying and funding all statism, and must be addressed in order for humanity to progress.


  • The nature of money and Central Banking is the most problematic and malevolent institution in the world, underlying and funding all statism.
  • The complexity of reality: “Reality is much more complex, fluid, interconnected, relational, dynamic, changing, unpredictable, ineffable beyond words.”
  • Money is the language of Human Action, allowing us to relate to one another based on productive contributions and consumption.
  • Language is a mapping tool for the complex fluid reality, not an absolute representation of truth and knowledge.
  • Math is a metaphorical structure, and there could be different types of math based on the agent that created it.
  • Reality is inherently relational, as seen in the concept of codependent origination in Buddhism.
  • If we want to progress as a species, we must address the money problem just like we address the Free Speech problem.
  • You can’t control the outcomes anyways. You’re trying to control the outcomes now with the printing of the money or this fiat regulation or this war like you’re trying to force people to do a thing that you want them to do.

Mark Thornton: Population (March 29, 2024)

Minor Issues Podcast...



The current environmental and population predictions are not panning out, and free market policies have lifted billions out of poverty.


  • Inflation isn’t just making us poorer, it’s also harming our culture, mental well-being, and the moral foundations of civilization.
  • The population bomb theory predicted mass starvation, but it was based on flawed assumptions and stereotypes.
  • The predictions of overpopulation and environmental ruin in the 1970s did not come to pass, just like the current predictions are not panning out.
  • The depopulation agenda is hidden under the cloak of the climate change agenda, according to Mark Thornton.
  • Conservationism aims to conserve the earth and its resources for the most valuable uses of humans present and future.
  • Environmentalist and global climate change community’s impact on housing costs and commute times is a controversial issue in California.
  • Alternative energy and foods may be more expensive and less efficient than traditional options, impacting the Earth’s resources and human survival.
  • More than 2 billion people have lifted themselves out of poverty thanks to free market policies in places like India and China.

Nicolás Cachanosky: A Case for Argentina’s Dollarization: Why and How to Implement It For The Currency Reset (March. 23, 2024)

Austrian Economics Research Conference...



Dollarization could be a necessary and beneficial component of a strong monetary reform for Argentina, potentially stabilizing inflation and providing credibility for other economic reforms to work.


  • Nicolás Cachanosky’s expertise and experience in economics makes him a credible source on the potential benefits of dollarization for Argentina.
  • Historical examples of currency boards in Argentina suggest that dollarization could be a potential institutional solution to the country’s monetary issues.
  • Argentina’s average inflation rate is 60% per year for 80 years, except for the 1990s when they had a sort of currency board.
  • The idea behind dollarization is to bring about a strong monetary reform to combat stockflation and change the long-term economic trend.
  • Argentina’s economic performance is concerning, with high inflation and falling GDP over the last 20 years.
  • Dollarization in Ecuador led to a significant decrease in inflation, stabilizing it around US levels even in times of crisis.
  • Dollarization doesn’t depend on domestic politics and is credible, making it difficult to undo and providing the needed credibility for other reforms to work.
  • “Dollarization is not sufficient but a necessary component if you want to really change Argentina and it’s going to help you carry the other reforms.”

Radio Rothbard: The Economics of Generosity and Charity (Mar. 28, 2024)

Radio Rothbard...



Love, hope, and truth are gifts that are received, not produced or chosen, and market exchange is not an exchange of equal values, but a win-win situation where both parties benefit from the trade.


  • Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the central importance of love, hope, and truth as gifts that are received, not produced or chosen.
  • The theory of market externalities highlights the non-intended consequences of human actions, some of which have positive repercussions on others, while others have negative repercussions.
  • Market exchange is not an exchange of equal values, but a win-win situation where both parties benefit from the trade.
  • Not everybody does things for monetary gain, some just like giving gifts away or prefer leisure over money, and it’s hard to measure.

Chris Vermeulen: How The Mother Of All Market Rallies Would End (March. 30 2024)

David Lin...


The market is showing signs of a potential shift in the economic cycle, with potential bullish trends in precious metals and a warning of potential devastation in the housing market.

Market Analysis and Predictions

  • Markets have a pattern of correcting to a certain level or percentage decline, and Fibonacci works in all kinds of ways to predict this.
  • The market is in a topping phase, and heavy selling volume across all asset classes indicates a distribution day, signaling the end of the rally.
  • The importance of riding the trend: “Just because I’m bearish does not mean I am betting against this Market. Again. We are long. We ride the trend.”
  • Following trends and identifying when an asset is going up, down, or sideways can be advantageous for traders looking to take advantage of market movements.
  • Despite solid fundamentals, the chart pattern may still look strange, leading to questions about whether to take profits or cut losses.
  • The strength of the initial rally can indicate the potential for a similar strength move to the upside, leading to a short-term bubble phase.
  • The market may experience a pop and squeeze higher before potentially plummeting, leaving people shaking their heads in disbelief.
  • Fibonacci Works in all kinds of ways, including retracement to figure out market momentum.
  • The higher the market rallies, the larger the correction will be, making it important to be mentally prepared for potential devastation.
  • The housing market is at maximum risk and home builders are going to get hit hard.

Asset Trends and Investment Opportunities

  • Big money flows are starting to rotate into miners and silver, suggesting a potential bullish trend for precious metals.
  • The current movement into Gold, Silver, and miners suggests that there is still room for these assets to run over the next couple of months, signaling a potential shift in the economic cycle.
  • Gold is a much stronger play than Silver and Miners, as it’s breaking to new all-time highs with no overhead supply and is seen more as an investment worldwide.

Anne Stevenson-Yang: What Comes After the Chinese Economic Miracle? (March. 24, 2024)

Hidden Forces...



China’s economic growth model, response to the 2008 financial crisis, and government control are hindering its development and future prospects.


  • The 2008 financial crisis was in many ways a crisis enabled by the trade and capital imbalances of China’s export-driven growth model and rapid economic integration into the global economy.
  • The story of China’s economic miracle is like a film run backwards, with explosive growth in the 1980s and now shrinking back.
  • The period of greatest fraud and corruption in China’s economic history may have been post-2009 when Chinese companies started to list in the US.
  • The response to the 2008 financial crisis led to a dysplastic growth in China, similar to cancerous cells that kill other cells.
  • Xi Jinping’s promotion of the 1960s Communist Party saint Lei Feng shows his vision is stuck in the past, hindering China’s development.
  • People in China were confined and surveilled during COVID, raising concerns about the government’s control and the future of surveillance.
  • The Chinese economy is facing a dilemma where printing more money depresses the exchange rate, but not printing money hinders economic growth, leaving them in a difficult position.
  • “As for treating people like cattle, to be honest, this has been the preference of the Communist Party for 80, or 90 years now. Is it going to become more effective as technology tools make it easier? I don’t know.”

Andy Schectman: The Great Reset...BRICS, Bitcoin, and the Global Gold Rush (March. 29, 2024)

Natalie Brunell...



Central banks and countries are strategically accumulating gold and silver as a hedge against the potential collapse of the current financial system, and individuals should consider diversifying their investments to protect their wealth.


Global Economic Shifts and Power Dynamics

  • Central banks have been accumulating more gold than at any time in the last 100 years, reclassifying it as the world’s only other tier one reserve asset.
  • The concept of logarithmic decay and the idea of little by little by little then bang all at once is a fascinating way to look at the current global situation.
  • The Chinese are strategically taking control of commodity pricing by buying the London Metal Exchange and establishing the BRICS Grain Exchange to counter the influence of the Chicago commodity exchange.
  • The BRICS countries are strategically accumulating metals and using the Western suppression of prices to their advantage, gradually shifting the balance of power in the global market.
  • The dollar divestment and push for alternatives like gold are already visible.
  • United Arab Emirates announced they are no longer taking oil for dollars, a provocative move that could have significant implications.
  • The US is 155 trillion in debt with only 5 trillion in assets, and the largest asset is $1.6 trillion in student debt, making the country broke and insolvent.
  • The financial system is built on “made-up IOUs and paper promises” that the average person doesn’t understand, leading to potential economic collapse and the rise of a dictator.
  • “The end of a Keynesian failed economic system based on debt and consumption and taxation rather than the Austrian one where it’s based on savings, investment, and reinvestment.”

Precious Metals as Wealth and Investment

  • Gold and silver are not just investments, but pure and simple wealth that has outlived wars, hyperinflation, and pandemics.
  • Silver is increasing in demand in green and digital applications, making it one of the best investments.
  • The slow and steady increase in the price of gold over the years shows its strength as an asset, making it a compelling reason to own it.

Alternative Currencies and Financial Systems

  • “Honestly I believe in Bitcoin because it does decouple money from the state and offers this asymmetric opportunity.”
  • “If you’re not a contrarian right now you’re destined to be a victim and if you are fully invested in dollars I believe you’re destined to go broke because everything good comes to an end.”

Alasdair Macleod & Michael Oliver: Precious Metals and Political Chaos: Gold, Silver and a Changing World Order (March 26, 2024)

Vancouver Resource Investment Conference...



The current financial market bubble, US Treasury’s debt trap, potential for inflation and higher interest rates, and the impact of low interest rates on business decisions are leading to a rise in gold and silver prices, with potential for profit in the mining sector for retail investors.


Economic Impact and Market Trends

  • Alistair McLoud believes that the US Treasury is in a debt trap, with a budget deficit in excess of three trillion, leading to the debasement of the currency and higher inflation.
  • The rising interest rates are causing a debt trap for the US government and the private sector, leading to potential economic turmoil.
  • The Boom Cycles created by the FED are recurring for the last 100 years, both technically and fundamentally.
  • Gold anticipates the market: “It doesn’t wait for the event. It anticipates the event.”
  • Gold’s role in the changing world order has led to new nominal all-time highs in US dollar terms, doubling in price since 2015.
  • The potential for gold to reach $8,000 is based on historical market performance and could be a realistic target in the current market conditions.
  • China’s control over the silver market through JP Morgan’s involvement has led to the suppression of silver prices, impacting the gold-silver ratio.
  • Most people don’t see the momentum chart, highlighting the importance of technical analysis in the precious metals market.

Investment Opportunities and Market Analysis

  • Silver’s potential to outperform in the latter stages of a precious metals bull market makes it an intriguing investment option.
  • Gold and silver miners are currently undervalued compared to the US stock market and gold, presenting a potential opportunity for investment.
  • The real money in the precious metals sector is made by buying exploration companies, and royalty companies are worth looking at in that context.
  • Gold is still dirt cheap in dollar terms, making it an attractive asset category for investment.

Michael Pento: Recession Hitting this Summer and the Fed Will Print (March. 29, 2024)

Natural Resource Stocks...



The economy is heading towards a potential deflationary cycle, leading to a recession in the summer, and the Fed may need to print money to support the economy.


Economic Concerns and Predictions

  • The reverse repo facility running dry and the real fed funds rate leading to recession in June/July is a major concern for the economy.
  • Michael Pento believes we are heading towards a deflationary cycle, contrary to the mainstream narrative of inflation.
  • The recession is hitting this summer, and the Fed will print to support the economy.
  • The next liquidity crisis is expected to hit in late spring/early summer, leading to the need for another round of QE and helicopter money.
  • Long-term interest rates are likely to rise, not fall, as they have in every recession since the Fed was enacted in 1913.
  • Once home prices start to fall, it will create a cascade of homes on the market as investors try to cash out before they lose their gains.
  • The potential for a liquidity crisis and deflation could lead to a recession starting in June or July of this year.

Impact of Monetary Policy on Inflation and Deflation

  • “I agree with you that we could be heading for a period of deflation which is absolute and nominal falling prices.”
  • The Fed’s potential monetization of debt could lead to a significant increase in inflation, causing long-term interest rates to rise.
  • Michael Pento believes that deflation is underrated and should be present in a free market system, punishing overconsumption and overleveraging.
  • “It’s deflation you need to bring home prices down 30% you need to stock price.”

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