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Top Ten Videos – November 13, 2023

Alasdair Macleod: US Debt Skyrocketing As China Secretly Accumulates 25,000 Tonnes Of Gold

As Good as Gold Australia...


Gold is seen as real money by many countries, leading them to accumulate large reserves of it, and its purchasing power remains relatively constant through the centuries.

  • The People’s Bank of China had a monopoly on currency dealing and could play with dollars and gold, setting up the Shanghai Gold Exchange as part of its legal mandate.
  • The People’s Bank of China’s constant declaration of larger gold reserves may not accurately reflect their actual accumulation of gold, especially considering their status as the biggest gold miners on earth.
  • The decline of gold reserves in America led to a crisis, ultimately resulting in the suspension of the Bretton Woods agreement by Nixon.
  • “I reckon that the S&P 500 is so overvalued that in order to correct itself for the current level of yields in the US Treasury Market it should fall to under a thousand.”
  • Gold is completely mispriced compared to the amount of currency that’s printed.
  • The relationship between gold and fiat currency is not simply a matter of dividing the number of dollars by the reserves in the central bank, it’s a complex and subjective relationship.
  • “This is why the Singaporeans, Chinese, and the Russians have been accumulating gold like billy-o, because they know it’s real money.”
  • Gold’s purchasing power remains relatively constant through the centuries, proving that real money is real money and it remains so.

BT⚡TV 11: Triggernometry's Francis Foster - Everybody is Terrified To Say What They Really Think

Bombthrower TV...


Many people are afraid to speak up and express their true opinions due to fear of backlash and career consequences, leading to a stifling of diverse perspectives and critical thinking in liberal industries.

Fear of Backlash and Career Consequences

  • Everybody is Terrified To Say What They Really Think
  • Dr. J Bataria sacrificed his personal reputation and damaged it significantly in order to say what he believed was true.
  • Taking a stand at personal cost to speak the truth is commendable and courageous.
  • Francis Foster felt it was important to speak up and take a stand, even as a comedian, because he was terrified of where things were going to end.
  • In liberal industries, there is an expectation to adhere to an orthodox opinion, stifling diverse perspectives and critical thinking.
  • Many people are afraid to speak up and express their true opinions due to fear of backlash and career consequences.
  • “The echo chambers that we all live in may be deeper than we realize.”
  • “The culture we’re living in is not helping tear down these Echo Chambers and in fact they’d rather keep you in an echo chamber.”
  • “If two people agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary.” – Francis Foster

Impact of Cancel Culture on Freedom of Speech

  • The pandemic and cultural war nonsense forced us to talk about the anti-scientific approach of governments and the ridiculousness of the lockdown.
  • Francis Foster discusses the impact of cancel culture and virtue signaling on comedy, highlighting the challenges of freedom of speech in the UK.
  • Cancel culture is affecting comedy shows, with performers being cancelled for expressing gender-critical views.


Dollar Hegemony Fuels America's Foreign Crusades

Radio Rothbard...


The use of the US dollar as a tool for imposing sanctions and controlling other countries’ participation in the financial system is a significant issue in foreign policy, reflecting the power and influence of the United States on the global stage.

  • The use of the dollar as a bludgeon against other countries for sanctions and controlling their participation in the financial system is a big issue in foreign policy.
  • “Do as we say or we will bring democracy to your country” – a reminder of the power of the US dollar in foreign policy.
  • The role of American exceptionalism and the deification of the federal government as a moral cover for foreign crusades.
  • The Spanish American war marked a shift away from the United States’ vision of limited foreign policy and government, leading to conquests of the Philippines and Puerto Rico.
  • The US displaced the British Empire and has been in charge of the global role since the late 19th century, and giving that up would be a great moral defeat for the whole world.


Maxime Bernier: Radical Decentralization as a Solution to Canada’s Imperial Federalism

Capitalism and Morality...


Effective communication and advocating for individual freedom and responsibility are crucial in politics, and radical decentralization is proposed as a solution to have a smaller government that respects regional cultures and decentralizes power.

  • Language is everything in politics, and communicating ideas effectively is crucial for success.
  • Citizens were supposed to be free and responsible, governing themselves within a framework of liberty and responsibility.
  • Maxime Bernier advocates for the freedom of choice and individual responsibility in reopening businesses, challenging the concept of essential businesses.
  • The objective of the 1867 act was to have sovereign provinces with the limits of their powers, not to subordinate them to a central authority.
  • Margaret Thatcher was right to be skeptical of the European Union and the monetary Union, as well as to fight against socialism.
  • “The solution is to radically downsize Ottawa and have a smaller government that respects the diverse regional cultures and decentralizes power.”
  • Radical decentralization proposed by the Reform Party in the 1990s would allow provinces to take over the management of programs such as provincial police, pension, manpower training, and immigration selection.
  • The Reform Party of Preston Manning advocated for radical decentralization to have a government in Ottawa that will respect the Constitution, offering a real populist solution.

Brent Johnson: US Dollar & Gold - Getting Drunk on Global Liquidity

Soar Fiancially...


The US dollar’s status as the global Reserve currency gives it significant advantages and control over the global financial system, making it unlikely to be displaced in the near future.

  • The US, as the global Reserve currency, will attract capital during a crisis, leaving the rest of the world deprived of liquidity.
  • The US has many advantages as the global Reserve currency, including control over the way money gets transferred around the world and the ability to kick people out of it.
  • The volatility required to displace the United States as the global hegemon would cause the dollar to go higher.
  • Currencies trade on rate expectations, and the fluctuation of the US dollar is closely tied to the FED’s indications of rate hikes and cuts.
  • Interest rate differentials are the big indicator for the strength or weakness of the US dollar, but also need to factor in what the ECB is going to do.
  • The US dollar falling dramatically could lead to a crisis where the whole world could go down together.
  • In the years ahead, the dollar and gold are expected to outperform all other currencies.
  • The Eurodollar market plays a significant role in maintaining the strength of the US Dollar, as there is no other country with the same level of external demand for its currency.

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Financial Reset

Underground Revolution...


The consolidation of power by central bankers and the World Economic Forum’s vision for 2030 may lead to complete central control and the loss of individual freedom, and it is important for people to take back control of the money system and decide which side they are on.

  • The G7 Central Bankers voted on a plan called the going direct reset, which is the real reset behind the world economic Forum’s great reset.
  • The consolidation of power by those with a central banking background is leading to a future of complete central control with passports, vaccine ID passports, and central bank digital currency.
  • The World Economic Forum’s vision for 2030 may involve taking all of your assets and controlling your mind.
  • We are at a fork in the road, one road leads to slavery, the other road leads to freedom and you have to decide which side you’re on.
  • It’s important to have a good map of both the official reality and reality to navigate the world we live in.
  • The biggest problem is the division into separate civilizations, with a group of people building powerful invisible technology behind a wall of secrecy, while the rest of us are unaware.
  • We’re financing the enemy and building our own prison by allowing a monopoly on money – we have to take back control of the money system.
  • “Our power comes from our spiritual power, our emotional power, our energetic power, our intellectual power, and more than anything, our imagination.”

Russell Brand: It's Over (Ukraine)

Russell Brand...


Ukraine’s war against Russia is unsustainable, unwinnable, and draining resources, with President Zelinsky’s insistence on total victory being seen as unrealistic, and a diplomatic solution seems more favorable.

  • The conflict between Ukraine and Russia was deemed unwinable from the beginning due to Russia’s status as a nuclear superpower and their high military capacity.
  • There is no realistic aim or plan for regime change in Russia, as the country has a different mentality and a history of war.
  • Going to war with Russia seems untenable, considering their history of winning wars against formidable opponents and their possession of nuclear weapons.
  • The role of independent media becomes significant in providing alternative perspectives and reporting on issues of corruption within Ukraine.
  • The narrative around Ukraine’s war aims is breaking wide open, with Zelinsky’s advisers reconsidering the realism of their goals.
  • The depletion of human life in war, as seen in the case of Ukraine’s conscription policies, raises ethical concerns about the cost of conflict.
  • Corruption in Ukraine’s government is a concern for US and NATO allies, risking billions of dollars disappearing into the pockets of corrupt officials.
  • Zelensky and Ukraine are being exploited, probably to trial weapons and do deals in subsequent rebuilding, while he is used as a celebrity of the day and discarded when the war is no longer useful.

Michael Pento: Wipeout Of Entire Economy

Liberty and Finance...


The US economy is facing a potential financial crisis and market crash due to unsustainable levels of national debt, interest rate repression, and asset bubbles.

Debt, Deficits, and Insolvency

  • With the possibility of deficits doubling and tripling, we could be looking at an annual deficit of $3-4 trillion.
  • The other alternative is to live in reality, which would be a depression like we’ve never seen before.
  • The US banking system is insolvent, not just an opinion but a reality.
  • The current situation could lead to banks being insolvent if their assets are marked to market.
  • The exponential hockey stick of national debt is accelerating at an unsustainable rate, leading to the potential for a point where it breaks under its own weight.
  • The interest on the debt is already at a trillion dollars, and in 16 years, all revenue will go to entitlements, defense, and interest expenses, leaving nothing to operate the government.

Economic Predictions and Market Crash

  • It’s a wipe out of the entire economy. We didn’t have anything like that in the Great Depression leading up you know the Roaring 20s nothing like this.
  • Michael Pento predicts a market crash of 30-50% with the onset of a recession, based on historical data since 1937.
  • The regime of interest rate repression and taking interest rates to zero and below in nominal terms engenders massive asset bubbles and encourages the taking on of a tremendous amount of debt.
  • The extreme levels of asset bubbles and debt could lead to a 30-40% plunge in home prices, wiping out the banking system.
  • The US dollar, as the world’s Reserve currency, could potentially go the way of the Hungarian Peno if the current economic situation continues.

Gold and US Dollar Very Close to Rising Together

The Daily Gold...


The potential for gold to increase in value, and that the US dollar could also rise significantly higher in the future.

  • Brent Johnson was bullish on the dollar, stock market, and gold, getting all those things right in the last five or six years.
  • Both the speaker and the interviewer share a common belief in the potential for gold to increase in value, despite any reservations about being labeled as “gold bugs.”
  • I think that we are still probably in a bull market and I think that the dollar goes not only higher, but I think it goes significantly higher.
  • If the rest of the world decides to default on their dollar debt, it would hurt themselves and decrease the supply of dollars, leading to a potential squeeze where the dollar goes even higher.
  • Gold and the US dollar can rise together, and real rates being negative is extremely good for gold.
  • Gold could break through its all-time high and rise alongside the US dollar due to global market dynamics and potential crisis abroad.
  • “If we do get back to the 1800 level or something like that in Gold I think that would be a great time to load up and buy because I do think we’re going to go much higher.”
  • The world is no longer cooperating the way it used to, with significant geopolitical tensions between US, China, Russia, and the rest of the world.

Crescat Gets Activist on Gold & Silver

Crescat Capital...


Long-term inflation expectations are on the rise, leading to potential losses for investors in the treasury market, and there is a potential for a stagflationary environment, making smaller market cap assets and precious metals more attractive for investment.
  • The trend is up up up up up in long-term inflation expectations, causing massive losses for investors in the treasury market.
  • The Conference Board leading indicator has been declining for about 18 months, predicting a potential stagflationary environment.
  • The University of Michigan inflation expectation is at its highest number in 12 years, spiking up to 3.2% on the five to 10 year inflation expectation.
  • The majority of the investments are in smaller market cap assets, which provide likely much better upside in a bullish precious metals environment.
  • The elemental abundance data is based on extensive analysis of rocks, providing insight into the distribution of precious metals in the Earth’s crust.
  • There are 8 trillion tons of copper metal and almost 300 trillion ounces of silver available to humans in the upper crust of continents.
  • Artisanal miners can produce gold at a very low cost, around $100-200 an ounce, creating an interesting dynamic in the gold production industry.
  • Gold ore forming fluids may have weak concentrations, but the real action is when the chemistry changes and the metal comes out in high concentrations.

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