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Top Ten Videos – October 16, 2023

Bob Moriarty: 2nd Phase Of Crash Has Started

Liberty and Finance...


The potential for a financial crash and World War III, highlighting the importance of investing in gold and silver for financial protection.

Key insights

  • The speaker warns that nobody wins in war, only one side loses more than the others, and this scary situation will definitely affect the financial markets.
  • The chance of nuclear bombs going off is very high, and if that happens, the financial markets will be affected like never before.
  • The US paid the ran Corporation millions of dollars to advise the US Army on how to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine, highlighting the manipulation and consequences of starting a war.
  • “Once nuclear weapons start being used, the gloves are off and the world will be destroyed in short order.”
  • The speaker accurately predicted the top of the stock market and the start of a crash, which is now happening.
  • The impact of interest rates is far more important than real ice, with the majority of derivatives being interest rate related, meaning a move from half a percent interest to 5% interest could blow $400 trillion of derivatives straight to Hell.
  • “We were going to see things in the next 6 months who we never seen before in history.”
  • “The potential for very bad things happening is ultra high and it’s a good time to be conservative and naturally to try to protect your financial future. You need to own some gold and silver and you need to be able to put your hands on it.”

Karen Kwiatkowski: The Corrupt Political Influence on Military Intelligence

Mises Media...


The corrupt political influence on military intelligence prioritizes serving the ruling state, manipulates information, and undermines truth and accountability.

Political Influence on Military Intelligence

  • The U.S. state has been at war continually for the past 80 years, despite the fact that the U.S. Congress has not declared war in over 80 years.
  • The New York Times reported Hillary Clinton’s false claim that all 17 U.S intelligence agencies verified a Russian Hack of the Democratic National Committee emails.
  • Corrupt political influence on Military Intelligence is a significant issue that needs to be understood and addressed.
  • The intelligence community’s main focus now seems to be on reading political tea leaves in Washington and maintaining budget share, rather than upholding the Constitution or federal law.
  • The war in Iraq was driven more by ideology and petrodollar politics than an actual physical threat to the United States, raising questions about the true motivations behind the conflict.
  • The corrupt political influence on military intelligence is evident in the firing of a senior career intelligence officer for providing objective analysis that didn’t align with the political appointee’s agenda.
  • “The direct pressures placed on lowly analysts by senior elected and appointed officials” reveals the suppression of honest intelligence analysis.
  • “The corrupting political influence has come into play first if Military Intelligence is an oxymoron corrupting and political our repetition.”
  • The politicization of intelligence can lead to the risk of full-blown war, including nuclear war, as intelligence agencies compete for political approval.

Impact of Modern Warfare Technology

  • The U.S. spends a staggering $200 billion on peacetime intelligence, highlighting the immense resources dedicated to gathering and analyzing information.
  • Modern warfare heavily relies on technology, computing, and AI advances, where battlefield intelligence and responses are often post-human, resembling computer games rather than the decisions of thinking humans.

Sprott Money Precious Metals Monthly Projections - October 2023

Craig Hemke and Chris Vermeulen...


There is potential for a rally in the stock market and a rebound in precious metals, but significant gains are uncertain and dependent on various factors.

Key insights

  • The current market setup is similar to the one before a previous rally, indicating the possibility of a significant upward trend.
  • Technology stocks, particularly in the cybersecurity sector, are performing well and could potentially experience a strong rally in the future.
  • The recent sell-off in gold was a result of panic selling in the stock market, highlighting the interconnectedness of different asset classes during market volatility.
  • The XME mining ETF (symbol) is performing well and can move up even when gold miners are moving down, making it a potentially profitable investment.
  • The cup and handle pattern in the precious metal space suggests a bullish story, with the potential for significant gains in the future.
  • The clustered highs in the price of precious metals could trigger a strong pop and move, potentially pushing it above the 2,000 mark and testing new all-time highs.
  • The near-term bullish case for gold suggests that if it drops back to $2,000, it could potentially signal a change in momentum from downward to upward, leading to new highs and potentially the end of the worst for gold.
  • “I could see this getting right back up into this 25 range and then getting up to this 2650, potentially during the next several weeks here if the stock market goes into a rally mode and the dollar starts to stall out.”

The Psychology of Joy - 3 Antidotes to Suffering

Academy of Ideas...


To find true joy and happiness, we must embrace nature, change our perspective, and let go of morbid thoughts and emotions.

Key insights

  • Others are more morbid-minded and view life through a darker lens, blind to joy unless they actively counterbalance it.
  • Engaging in nature can be a simple and therapeutic way to shift from gloom to joy, as emotions follow actions and moods reflect surroundings.
  • Spending time in nature can lead to reduced mental fatigue, heightened creativity, increased resilience to pain, diminished stress, and even a boosted immune system.
  • To find joy, we must live in the present moment and appreciate the unfathomable mystery of life.
  • Reflecting on the mysteries of existence and our place in the world can open our eyes to the wonder and joy that surrounds us.
  • Cultivating our mystic sensibilities and spending more time in nature can lead to a perfect exhilaration and overflow of joy, even without any apparent reason.
  • The parable of a man slipping down a precipice highlights the importance of giving up the struggle and finding peace sooner rather than later.
  • Joy has the power to justify life, liberate us from the weight of our past, and give us the strength to carry on in spite of hardship and suffering.

Michael Pento: "There Is No Pain-Free Escape"

Liberty and Finance...


There is huge potential for economic Armageddon by 2024, with rising interest rates, a stressed banking system, and a potential recession or depression, and advises viewers to hold cash, short-term treasuries, own US dollars, short the stock market, and consider investing in precious metals.

Key insights

  • There is no pain-free escape from the challenges and uncertainties facing the economy.
  • The evolution of mankind may have halted in terms of compassion, as human beings continue to inflict harm on each other.
  • The US national debt is $33.5 trillion, with an interest of $712 billion for fiscal 2023, highlighting the significant financial burden on the country.
  • The crisis has only been postponed, with no real long-term solution in sight, leading to potential inflationary implications and the possibility of a recession, depression, or runaway stagflation.
  • The economy cannot exist when real interest rates are positive due to excessive debt, leading to the need for a market correction and potential recession or depression.
  • The swings between inflation and deflation are going to grow more intense over time, leading to an economic Armageddon.
  • Owning cash, short-term treasuries, the US dollar, and shorting the stock market, along with a little physical gold, has historically been a profitable strategy during crises.
  • “We show our love for God by the way we treat other people, so let’s try that for a change.” – Michael Pento emphasizes the importance of treating others with love and kindness.

Carbon Passports: A Dystopian Surveillance Threat

#AxisofEasy Weekly Briefing...


The key idea of the video is that various forms of surveillance, such as carbon passports, corporate surveillance, DNA data theft, and misinformation on social media, pose threats to personal freedoms, privacy, and societal trust.

Surveillance and Privacy Concerns

  • The potential impacts of climate change may lead to the introduction of carbon passports, which would track and limit an individual’s carbon dioxide emissions each year.
  • The concept of carbon passports, although just an idea, poses a dystopian surveillance threat by potentially tracking individuals’ carbon footprints and restricting their movements based on their emissions.
  • The idea of carbon passports could lead to a slippery slope where we may end up having passports for other activities like breathing or having children, which could further restrict our freedom and mobility.
  • The hypocrisy of elites lecturing the average person on their carbon footprint while indulging in excessive luxury and travel is infuriating.
  • Walmart’s use of payment and facial ID data to monitor customers’ purchasing habits raises concerns about privacy and the potential manipulation of consumer behavior.
  • The potential implications for personal privacy are significant as a hacker claims to have stolen the data of millions of users from 23andMe.
  • DNA data is highly valuable to hackers and can be used for malicious purposes such as identity theft and blackmail, highlighting the importance of being cautious about where and how we share our genetic information.

Misinformation and Critical Thinking

  • The drug semaglutide, originally used to treat diabetes, is now being used for weight loss and appetite suppression, causing concern in the food industry due to potential decrease in sales.
  • Treating the symptom instead of the problem is a common issue, and it’s important to address the root cause rather than just the surface-level issues.
  • It is crucial for users to be critical of the information they see in the news and on social media, fact-check as much as possible, and be wary of information that seems too good to be true.
  • The prevalence of misinformation on platforms like Twitter has led many people to view most content as propaganda, highlighting the need for critical thinking and skepticism in consuming information.

Ethnic Interest Groups Fuel the American Warfare State

War, Economy, and State ...


Ethnic interest groups in the US have influenced foreign policy decisions, leading to support for foreign conflicts unrelated to national security and the need for the US to prioritize peace and avoid taking sides in geopolitical conflicts.

Influence of Ethnic Interest Groups on US Foreign Policy

  • Ethnic conflicts from the old world are brought over via immigrant groups and form into interest groups that try to convince the US government to become involved in foreign conflicts unrelated to the United States.
  • Ethnic interest groups in the US actively push for wars against Russia to gain support and funding, even if it doesn’t benefit the United States.
  • The United States has two components that fuel the warfare state, indicating a deeper involvement in conflicts.
  • Ethnic interest groups have historically used America as a platform to advance their grievances from the old world, highlighting the complex dynamics between foreign lobbying and domestic politics.
  • The Israel Lobby is not unique, as there are other ethnic interest groups such as the Venezuelan and Armenian Lobbies that also exert influence in American politics.
  • The involvement of ethnic interest groups in shaping US foreign policy can lead to biased and controversial decisions, such as opposing US involvement in the conflict.
  • The invasion in Gaza is predicted to result in mass death, destruction of infrastructure, and decimation of the Palestinian population, giving more excuses to the state of Israel.

Historical Impact of Ethnic Interest Groups on American Politics

  • Yellow journalism played a role in shaping public opinion during the Spanish-American War, highlighting alleged Spanish atrocities.
  • The history of ethnic interest groups in America has influenced political parties and colored their policies, such as the Democratic party’s anti-British stance.
  • The history of American foreign policy is often driven by moralism and a sense of moral duty to save others, which can lead to a “jeo and hide mentality” of interventionism.
  • The speaker questions the justification for American involvement in warfare, highlighting the hypocrisy of condemning war crimes while acknowledging the US’s own perpetration of such actions.

Are You Suffering From Toxic Masculinity? Know The Signs

Babylon Bee...


PARODY: Toxic masculinity is a harmful societal construct that affects men’s behavior and choices, and it is important to recognize and address its negative impact. The Babylon Bee helps you recognize the signs.

“Key insights”

  • Toxic masculinity is a disease that affects over 40% of men and is contagious, so it’s important to recognize the warning signs and prevent its spread.
  • Men who engage in physically aggressive behavior, such as throwing a professional wrestler off a steel cage, may be at risk of developing toxic masculinity.
  • “If you’re a biological male and you don’t hate yourself, toxic masculinity is already coursing through your veins.”

Lyn Alden: What Happens When Major Currencies Start to Fail?

Kitco News...


Bitcoin and stablecoins provide alternatives to major currencies and could potentially solve the flaws of the Fiat monetary system, but their security and stability need to be monitored.

Impact of Central Bank Decisions on Global Economy

  • The decisions made by the FED not only impact the US economy but also have a global impact, highlighting their immense power over the global economy.
  • The current system of managing money may be viewed as archaic, with decisions being made based on interpretations and predictions rather than objective measures.
  • The decisions made by these 12 individuals, such as setting interest rates and expanding or decreasing the base layer of money, have a significant impact on the global economy and the lives of millions of people.
  • There is a possibility of interest rates reaching 7%, which may require mental preparation and could have significant implications for the global economy.
  • The speaker believes we are in the “recession stagflation camp” and expects areas of sticky inflation, but weak economic indicators in the next six months due to the trickle-down effect of high debt and interest rates in the private sector.
  • The settlement volumes in the dollar system can reach extraordinarily high levels, with one quadrillion dollars settled per year, highlighting the scale of the global currency market.

Potential Shifts and Alternatives in Currency Systems

  • Pivotal moments in history, such as the events mentioned, may only be recognized as significant in hindsight, emphasizing the importance of understanding the potential implications of major currency failures.
  • The emergence of major blocks like BRICS signifies a shift towards a more multi-polar world, with groups unifying in opposition to entities like NATO and the G7.
  • The future of currencies may involve more bilateral or multilateral currency agreements, rather than a shared currency, where countries decide to sell goods in specific currencies.
  • Central banks are considering holding gold as a larger percentage of their reserves to reduce reliance on other countries and currencies.
  • Until there is a significant increase in demand for gold, it is likely to remain range-bound, but it is expected to eventually break out of this range when the Federal Reserve ends its tightening and balance sheet reduction cycles.
  • “Bitcoin is kind of a binary outcome. Either it works tremendously well or probably doesn’t work very much at all.”

Challenges and Issues with Major Currencies

  • The failure of major currencies can have significant consequences on the global financial system.
  • The problem with shared currencies like the Euro is that countries with different economies and capital markets struggle to maintain stability and attractiveness.
  • “When major currencies start to fail, gold and other assets are likely to do pretty well due to the rising yield and rising dollar environment.”
  • “What happens when eventually these major developed currencies fail or begin to have their kind of ongoing inflationary spiral?”


John Rubino: Gold & Silver To Rock!

Soar Financially...


The US is facing a potential economic crash due to excessive debt and leverage, and viewers are encouraged to invest in gold and silver as a safe haven.

Economic Crash and Financial Crisis

  • A gigantic crash is virtually guaranteed due to the excessive borrowing and leverage in major societies around the world.
  • We’ve borrowed way too much money and a gigantic crash is virtually guaranteed because of that.
  • “We get a Slowdown because consumers Tapped Out are tapped out that leads to some crises in various parts of the financial sector which leads the government to have to bail everybody out which maybe leads to a currency crisis.”
  • The recession could turn into something much worse than a recession, as the tools that have been used in the past to bail out the economy may no longer work, leading to a panic and a need for the markets to clear based on actual asset values.
  • The potential crash in the economy could lead to a massive bailout of tens of trillions of dollars, affecting not just the US but also the rest of the world.
  • “It’s a really good idea psychologically to treat all this gloom and doom as an investment thesis because if you just look at how crazy the world is getting.”
  • “I’m creating portfolios of stocks and looking at techniques for shorting, because the financial world is going to hell and there’s going to be a crisis.”
  • “How do you position yourself in terms of your own life to be ready and resilient when things get crazy?” – John Rubino emphasizes the importance of being prepared financially and personally for uncertain times.

Investing in Gold and Silver

  • “Gold and silver are set to rock!” – John Rubino suggests that investing in gold and silver will be highly profitable.
  • Gold and silver have the potential to skyrocket in value during an economic downturn with high inflation, similar to what happened in the 1970s.
  • “It wouldn’t be a surprised to see $5,000 gold and $200 silver at some point in the coming cycle and if that’s the case then the the metals themselves are great to own and the mining stocks will just go crazy.” – John Rubino predicts a potential surge in gold and silver prices, making them lucrative investments and causing mining stocks to skyrocket.
  • Gold behaves differently in different currencies, protecting against a falling currency by going up in value in that currency, making it a valuable asset for preserving purchasing power.
  • “A lot of junior gold and silver miners are drilling, exploring, and coming up with some phenomenal numbers, finding really impressive resources.”

Geopolitical Risks and Global Instability

  • The US government is now run by “crazy neocon psychopath warmongers” who are willing to risk a nuclear war in order to maintain US dominance in the world.
  • “If the US starts bombing Iranian oil refineries which produce oil for China, China gets really into all of this as well, so that’s when it gets really really scary.”

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