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Top Three Videos – December 3, 2023

Egon Von Greyerz: Gold Hits All Time High - Watch And Find Out Why

As Good as Gold Australia...



The current global financial system is on the brink of collapse due to massive debt, money printing, and deficits, and holding gold will be crucial for individuals to survive the impending financial collapse.


  • The world is now witnessing the end of a currency and financial system which the Chinese already forecast.
  • The massive amount of debt and money creation since the closing of the gold window in 1971 has accelerated the system towards its end.
  • Massive deficits and continued money printing with no political will to cut down on expenses will lead to a vicious financial collapse in the near future.
  • Egon Von Greyerz predicts dire consequences when the monetary system collapses, including financial hardship, social unrest, and ongoing wars.
  • It doesn’t matter which currency falls first, they are all going to collapse, and holding gold will save individuals in the coming years.
  • It’s important for all countries to have a sound monetary system and a lot of gold reserves.
  • The world cannot produce much more than a bit over 3,000 tons of gold a year, and there are no major gold finds, so the demand will make the price go up.
  • Global debt and debt in most countries has to implode, leading to an implosion of the economy, for a sound system to emerge from the ashes of the current system.

Henry Kissinger and the Moral Bankruptcy of U.S. Elites

Democracy Now!...



Henry Kissinger’s morally bankrupt actions as a public official have had a significant impact on US history and reflect the broken foreign policy of the United States.

  • Henry Kissinger is remembered as a war criminal whose actions led to massacres and genocide in countries like Chile, East Timor, Bangladesh, and Cambodia.
  • Kissinger backed the Pakistani military genocidal war against East Pakistan and urged President Nixon to take a “harder line” against Chile’s democratically elected president.
  • Kissinger’s actions may have led to the deaths of three maybe four million people, yet he remained a celebrated figure in Washington and Beyond.
  • Henry Kissinger’s secret bombing of Cambodia, considered illegal, highlights the disregard for international law by U.S. elites.
  • The celebration of Henry Kissinger at the New York Public Library reflects the moral bankruptcy of U.S. elites.
  • The quote contains more moral and intellectual acuity and intelligence than the entire political establishment, both liberal and Republican.

Per Bylund: The Unseen Costs of Regulation

Mises Media...



Regulations have unseen costs that limit options, hinder innovation, and ultimately have negative long-term consequences on the economy.


  • The economic impact of regulations extends to the structure of the economy, people’s actions, and long-term effects on production and prices.
  • Introducing one regulation can cut off a whole tree of options for actors, limiting their choices and alternatives.
  • Regulation can hinder the entrepreneurial process and prevent the creation of new innovations that could better serve consumers in the future.
  • The government implementing a ban on touch screens in 2006 would have limited the development of new products using touch screens.
  • Innovations are cumulative, so regulating touch screens for iPod Touches in 2006 could have prevented the development of smartphones and other devices.
  • Regulation hinders the creation of new businesses and new types of jobs, ultimately limiting the potential for economic growth and development.
  • Regulations can lead entrepreneurs to choose sub-optimal options, resulting in lower trajectory and missed opportunities for innovation and development.
  • The poverty in countries with sweatshops is an argument for the destructive power of regulations, as they divert investments away from where they should go, ultimately making everyone poorer.


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