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Top Three Videos – February 7, 2024

Eric Wade: It's Time to Upgrade Capitalism Asserts (February 5, 2024)

Stansberry Research...



Capitalism needs to be upgraded to prioritize labor and address wealth inequality, with proposals for a new economic system called “labourism” and a focus on reducing government intervention, achieving hard currency, and providing free unlimited education for everyone.


  • The situation is unsustainable, and the outcome is either the currency gets weaker and there’s more inflation, or the cost of servicing the debt becomes more than National Defense.
  • The industry loves innovation and is constantly looking to make things better, faster, and cheaper, driving the growth of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
  • Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system ever.
  • Adam Smith believed in treating labor better and ensuring that it earns more, contrary to the common perception of capitalism.
  • “Capitalism has failed no one, government interference into capitalism has failed everyone.”
  • The idea of providing education and training beyond just college to help people pursue better opportunities is worth considering in the upgrade of capitalism.
  • I want a hard dollar that is asset backed, we can’t have that now because our social programs cost more than we’re willing to.
  • Capitalism with no one in charge is the far superior alternative, history has proven it.

Ryan McMaken debates Jonathan Casey: Will a National Divorce Lead to More Individual Liberty? (Feb. 5, 2024)...

Mises Media...



National divorce and the breakup of larger states into smaller ones may lead to more individual liberty and economic development, but it also presents challenges in determining borders and may go against the universal protection of human rights in libertarianism.


  • “I reject all that out of hand that there’s some sort of Supernatural Union or any kind of genetic or ethnic Unity we all enjoy.”
  • As states get smaller and break off, they become more open to trade, migration, and economic development, leading to more individual liberty.
  • “The fundamental principle of liberalism is to prevent the state from infringing our rights.”
  • The ability to break off and form different alliances has been a great contributor to capitalist growth over the last 500 years.
  • The case for a national divorce is essentially a case for localism, which may not always lead to more individual liberty.
  • “True freedom is not being able to move away from your home and your job and your family to someplace better that’s not freedom freedom is where you choose to live as long as you’re not harming anybody else.”
  • The best defense of our Liberty is to spread our ideas, not restrict it to a few little dotted spaces.
  • Empirical data shows that smaller countries with more self-determination tend to prioritize survival through open free trade, regardless of stated ideology.

Whitney Webb: THIS Is What They're Hiding About BlackRock (January.25, 2024)...

Library of Wealth...



Powerful financial institutions and governments are working together to control and manipulate the financial system and online activities, leading to the collapse of the Fiat money system and the push for a regulated internet with the end of online privacy and anonymity.


  • The people in charge knew about the experimental nature of the vaccines and lack of testing, yet still forced them on people through mandates.
  • There’s a push for a regulated internet, which means the end of online privacy and anonymity, with the goal of linking a government-issued ID to internet access and activity.
  • The regulated internet will likely be forced on the populace through an event that incites fear and panic.
  • The push for online safety bills is really about ending encryption and expanding state power under the guise of protecting children.
  • There’s an effort to criminalize mixers and any service that affords increased financial privacy, as part of a larger agenda to regulate and control the internet for unprecedented surveillance and control of people’s online lives.
  • “The banking system, particularly Wall Street, has engaged in an unprecedented degree of malfeasance, corruption, and insane financial gambling activities.”
  • The engineering of a Neo feudal society is aimed at unprecedented control and surveillance to maintain the small upper class’s place on the top.
  • The promises made by the Federal Reserve and central banks have been Hollow leading to excessive money Printing and a proliferation of poor Investments.

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