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Top Three Videos – July 10 2023

Looming Credit Collapse To Tank Stocks AND Bonds? | Alasdair McLeod

Quick Summary Bullets:

Currency and Credit Collapse

  • “All of the world’s major Fiat currencies were in the process of failing far faster than many are imagining.”
  • The looming credit collapse could potentially tank both stocks and bonds, raising concerns about the stability of the financial markets.
  • There is a looming shortage of credit and a crisis in refinancing, particularly in the mortgage field, which could have significant implications for the economy.
  • McLeod mentions the potential of a credit collapse and the possibility of a nuclear war in Ukraine, highlighting the significant challenges and risks faced by the global economy.
  • “I was sort of hearing stagflation…do you sort of predict stagflation for the West here? Yes, inevitably that is the case.”
  • “Americans think our currency is perfectly safe, but the looming credit collapse could lead to a serious problem that is not recognized by many.”
  • Central banks are in deep negative equity and are underwater due to their actions of lowering interest rates and buying bonds at the top of the market, posing a major problem for the financial system.
  • “It’s not a rise in the general level of prices. It is a loss of purchasing power of the currency.”
  • The events in the financial market are potentially cataclysmic, indicating a looming credit collapse that could have significant consequences for stocks and bonds.

Global Economic Imbalances

  • “The world is split into two halves, with the economy we all follow (America, Europe, Japan) and the economy we don’t follow (Asia, Russia, China, BRICS), and it seems that the latter will increase quite materially after the meeting in Johannesburg.”
  • Foreigners hold a massive amount of US bank deposits, bond investments, and equities, totaling more than $30 trillion, which is greater than the US GDP.
  • The history of price volatility in Canadian residential property, particularly in cities like Vancouver and Toronto, suggests that Canada may be facing one of the worst housing bubbles in the world.
  • The global banking system, particularly in the Eurozone, is facing significant difficulties and may require rescue due to overleveraged businesses and potential losses, which could further impact interest rates and financial stability.

Safe Haven Assets and Financial Stability

  • “The answer for investors is to protect their Capital by getting into physical gold coin or bullion.”
  • “The whole credit system is liable to implode and under those circumstances you want to get out of it by getting into real money, that’s hoarding gold.”
  • Gold may benefit from the potential credit collapse, as investors may turn to it as a safe haven asset, leading to an increase in its value.
  • “The possible benefits of a collapse of the current system is a new system which will allow us to progress Our Lives again.”

Transcript Summary:

  • 00:00 Investors should sell their investments and protect their capital as the credit system is at risk of collapsing, which could be difficult for professional investment managers, while the global economy is divided with familiar economies experiencing a credit crunch and Asian economies expected to grow; water utilities in England are facing a severe crisis, the escalating situation in Ukraine could lead to a war driving up commodity prices, and the looming credit crisis combined with the rise in bond yields and distortion of equity markets poses a serious threat to financial asset values, worsened by China and Russia’s plan for an industrial revolution in Asia.
    • Investors should consider selling their investments and protecting their capital as the credit system is at risk of collapsing, which would be extremely difficult for professional investment managers.
    • Alasdair McLeod returns to discuss the latest details and timing of his outlook, with lots to talk about and setting the context for viewers.
    • The global economy is divided into two sections, with the familiar economies experiencing a credit crunch and banks becoming more cautious about lending due to significant risk, while the Asian economies are expected to grow after a meeting in Johannesburg.
    • Water utilities in England, particularly Thames water, are facing a severe crisis due to high levels of debt and difficulty in refinancing, which is indicative of an upcoming credit crisis and shortage of credit.
    • The escalating situation in Ukraine could lead to a war that neither NATO nor Russia can afford to lose, potentially driving up commodity prices and eliminating any hope of lower prices.
    • The looming credit crisis, combined with the rise in bond yields and the distortion of equity markets, poses a serious threat to financial asset values, while China and Russia’s plan to engender an industrial revolution throughout Asia could further worsen the situation for the US.
  • 09:11 A potential credit collapse and the undermining of the US dollar as a reserve currency could have significant consequences for the US economy and global markets.
    • McLeod discusses the challenges of the war in Ukraine and suggests that Russia may be the best place to live due to its low taxes and business opportunities.
    • China is looking to invest more in the Asia Pacific region to create a sustainable consumer-based economy, which is causing a divide between Team West and Japan versus Team Asia/BRICS.
    • McLeod  predicts that a credit crunch and potential escalation in Ukraine could lead to stagflation in the West, as seen in previous fiat currency collapses.
    • The potential undermining of the dollar as a reserve currency could make it difficult for the US government to fund its deficit, as foreigners may no longer be interested in maintaining large dollar positions, which could have significant consequences for the US economy.
    • McLeod highlights the potential for a significant credit collapse that is not widely recognized by Americans, emphasizing the importance of the US dollar as an international currency and questioning the rationale behind the substantial investment in US equities.
    • Foreigners holding UK currency may sell it when rising interest rates destabilize the economy, which Americans should consider when looking at the dollar from a foreign perspective.
  • 16:25 The looming credit collapse could have a significant impact on stocks and bonds, with the US housing market at a standstill and mortgage rates rising, leading to a squeeze on homeowners and potential decrease in consumer spending.
    • McLeod  discusses the looming credit collapse and its potential impact on stocks and bonds, highlighting the recent yield crisis and the developing crisis in the mortgage market.
    • The US housing market is currently at a standstill with sellers and buyers reluctant to make transactions, while in the UK, the housing market is experiencing re-rating shocks as approximately 20% of housing stock is repriced every year.
    • McLeod  discusses the current state of the US market, noting similarities to the early stages of a bear market and the uncertainty surrounding prices and transactions.
    • As mortgage rates rise, people with fixed-rate mortgages are facing increasing costs and struggling to afford their mortgages, leading to a significant squeeze on them.
    • The lag effect of the credit collapse will have a shorter impact in the US compared to Canada, as the rewriting of mortgages will lead to a decrease in consumer spending and a faster economic downturn.
    • The cost of mortgage finance and the potential collapse of credit will greatly impact property prices, particularly in commercial real estate and private equity.
  • 24:23 A looming credit collapse could lead to a major market correction, as banks reduce lending and credit creation, causing a decrease in bond values and potential collapse in stocks and bonds worldwide.
    • Thames water’s reliance on low-rate refinancing and the need for refinancing is a problem not only for the UK but also for utilities and corporations worldwide.
    • Banks are becoming fearful of losses and are reducing lending and credit creation, leading to a stalling money supply and potential collapse in stocks and bonds.
    • The undercapitalization and rising interest rates are causing the value of bonds to decrease, particularly in Europe where banks are avoiding commercial lending and investing in derivatives and bonds with negative interest rates.
    • Central banks, including the FED, ECB, Bank of Japan, and Boe, are in deep negative equity due to their actions of lowering interest rates and buying bonds at the top of the market, which poses a major problem for the financial system.
    • The speaker discusses the increasing unease in the credit markets and the potential for a credit collapse to cause a significant market correction.
    • It is inevitable that a credit collapse will occur in the near future, and investors should protect their capital by taking their money out of the credit system and investing in physical gold.
  • 31:58 House prices in London and the price of oil have increased in currency terms, but when compared to gold, the increase is much smaller, indicating currency devaluation; investing in gold is advised as insurance against the impending credit collapse.
    • House prices in London have increased significantly in terms of currency, but when compared to the price of gold, the increase is much smaller, indicating the devaluation of the currency; similarly, the price of oil in dollars has skyrocketed since 1971, but in terms of gold, it has only doubled, suggesting manipulation of the gold price to maintain the perception of its value.
    • The distortion caused by fiat currency introduces uncertainty in assessing the current economic situation, and as the credit system is at risk of collapsing, it is advisable to invest in gold as a form of insurance against the impending crisis.
    • McLeod  maintains their view that the dollar will experience a significant decline in value, and suggests that if the trade weighted index breaks a certain level, it would signal a serious problem for the dollar.
    • McLeod  suggests that the dollar may break a certain level, which could signal to foreigners to sell their dollars and potentially lead to a race to the bottom in currencies.
    • Inflation is not a rise in general prices, but a loss of currency purchasing power, which could be worsened by supply issues and the devaluation of fiat currency, while the Chinese economy’s recovery may impact commodity markets.
    • China needs certain elements for themselves because they trade with the rest of the world and these elements are important for military applications, vehicles, and green energy.
  • 40:27 The potential collapse of credit could impact the dollar as a reserve currency, leading to uncertainty and a decline in its value, while gold may benefit.
    • McLeod  suggests that the dip in commodities will not last forever and predicts that the re-escalation of the Ukraine situation by President Putin could cause commodities to improve sooner, which is unwelcome pressure for Russia due to the decline in their trade surplus.
    • There are rumors of a new gold-backed currency being announced at the BRICS meeting, and there have been efforts to create regional trade currencies, indicating a potential shift away from the current financial system.
    • Russia, China, and other Asian countries are working together to extend the Glazier project, which will likely result in the creation of a new currency.
    • The potential collapse of credit could have a significant impact on the dollar as a reserve currency, leading to uncertainty and a potential decline in its value, while gold may benefit from this situation.
    • McLeod  discusses the potential cataclysmic events in the financial market and offers to come back to deconstruct any announcements made at a meeting.
  • 45:50 Central banks may resort to credit inflation and massive expansion to rescue the banking system, potentially leading to higher gold prices and undermining currency purchasing power, with the Euro at risk of collapse due to the struggle to recapitalize central banks and the European Central Bank.
    • Central banks are likely to resort to stimulating the economy through credit inflation and massive expansion to rescue the banking system, which could lead to a higher gold price and undermine the purchasing power of currencies.
    • Central banks, including the ECB, are facing negative equity and potential losses due to quantitative easing programs, with the Bank of England being the only one to have a guarantee from the treasury to cover any losses.
    • McLeod  explains that the current credit crisis could lead to the collapse of the Euro, as the central banks will struggle to recapitalize themselves and the European Central Bank due to the multitude of national central banks involved.
    • McLeod discusses the potential collapse of credit, which could lead to a decrease in the value of currencies and a diminished purchasing power of fiat currencies.
    • McLeod  discusses the possibility of a credit collapse leading to a new system that allows for progress in our lives, but acknowledges the challenges and hopes for a better future for our children and relatives.
    • They may consider implementing a new fiat currency, returning to a gold-backed currency, or exploring a blockchain-based currency solution as a response to the looming credit collapse.

RFK Jr: Who is God? | Robert F Kennedy Jr and Lex Fridman
Lex Clips

Believing in a higher power and adding a moral dimension to actions is crucial for overcoming addiction and finding happiness.

Summary Bullet Points:

  • “God is incomprehensible…we’re inside the mind of God.”
  • The synchronicity of the scarab beetle appearing at the window during Jung’s conversation suggests a deeper, interconnected meaning beyond mere coincidence.
  • RFK Jr. believed in synchronicity as a way for God to intervene in our lives, breaking the rules of nature and mathematics.
  • Life is a series of moral decisions, each with a moral dimension, that shape our actions and define our character.
  • RFK Jr. experienced a spiritual awakening that miraculously lifted his desire for drugs and alcohol, which he considers as much of a miracle as walking on water.
  • “I saw that evidence of God in my life and I see it now every day of my life.”

Transcript Summary:

  • 00:00 God is incomprehensible and philosophers believe that we are inside the mind of God, but the speaker discusses their religious upbringing and later straying from their faith during a 14-year period of drug addiction.
    • God is incomprehensible and philosophers believe that we are inside the mind of God, making it impossible for us to understand God’s form.
    • The speaker discusses their deeply religious upbringing, attending church regularly, praying multiple times a day, and reading the Bible, but later straying from their faith during a 14-year period of drug addiction.
  • 02:20 Addiction can be overcome through experiences of others and the speaker wanted to avoid relying solely on willpower for sobriety.
  • 03:59 Kennedy reflects on his struggle with addiction and desires a complete transformation to live a drug-free life like the Saints throughout history.
  • 05:33 Carl Jung, a psychiatrist, had spiritual experiences that shaped his thinking and made him a scientist with a spiritual dimension; he had a synchronistic experience involving a scarab beetle.
    • Carl Jung, a psychiatrist and contemporary of Freud, had intense spiritual experiences from a young age that influenced his thinking and made him a faithful scientist with a spiritual dimension.
    • While sitting in a sanitarium, the speaker hears a patient describe a dream involving a scarab beetle, and coincidentally, a scarab beetle appears at the window.
  • 07:58 Synchronicity experiments failed to prove the existence of a supernatural law, but believing in God can positively impact recovery and moral decisions are present in everyday life.
    • Synchronicity is the belief that God intervenes in our lives by breaking the rules of nature, and the speaker attempted to prove the existence of a supernatural law through experiments, although he was unsuccessful.
    • Believing in God can have a positive impact on recovery, even if one cannot prove God’s existence, and acting as if God exists can help in starting to believe.
    • Life is a series of moral decisions, even in small actions like deciding whether to stay in bed or get up when the alarm goes off.
  • 10:44 Making small decisions and taking responsibility for simple tasks can reflect one’s character and values.
  • 11:19 Surrendering to a higher power enables the use of personal power to serve others and experience God’s power, leading to the speaker’s miraculous recovery from addiction.
    • Maintaining a posture of surrender to a higher power allows for the effective use of personal power to serve the community and experience the power of God, overcoming anxiety and temptation.
    • Kennedy experienced a spiritual awakening that miraculously lifted their desire for drugs and alcohol, which they had been unable to overcome on their own for a decade.
  • 13:34 Evidence of God’s power in the speaker’s life led to the realization that adding a moral dimension to actions is key to overcoming the battle against the Absurd and finding happiness.

Greg Mannarino- The Fed Needs Inflation to Survive, U.S. Is Living on Borrowed Money and Time
Stansberry Research

Summary Bullet Points:

  • “We’re living on borrowed money. We’re living on borrowed time and it’s going to get very very real.”
  • The debt market is a ticking time bomb that may be going off right now, according to the manorino market risk indicator.
  • “The big crash isn’t going to begin or end in the stock market or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, it’s going to begin and end in the debt market, and we are seeing the sell-off right now with yields rising.”
  • The manipulation of rates by central banks since 2008 has contributed to the creation of multiple bubbles, including a super bubble in the stock market and a reinflated housing bubble.
  • Printing money without limit and expecting the people to bear the cost in the form of inflation is unsustainable.
  • Politicians and central banks are constantly seeking reasons and excuses to continue inflating the national debt, leading to the continuous increase in debt and inflation.
  • “This is the truth very few people have an acute understanding of how the financial system works and you don’t learn this stuff in business school.”
  • “This is not sustainable because we’re seeing a side effect… At one point we were going to see these things unfold in the first stage is inflation.”

Transcript Summary:

The US economy is in a precarious state, with multiple indicators pointing towards a potential economic downturn and the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of interest rates posing a significant threat to the market.

  • 00:00 The economic outlook is bleak, with weakness in multiple sectors, billionaires investing in gold, and experts predicting a potential surge in gold prices; global stock markets are declining, risk is increasing, and the US yield curve is deeply inverted, signaling a major economic downturn.
    • The economic picture is not looking good with weakness in various sectors, leading many billionaires to invest in gold, and experts predict that the price of gold could soar to $3,000 or even higher by the end of the year.
    • Global stock markets are selling off, risk is rising, and the US yield curve has hit its deepest inversion since 1981, indicating a significant economic downturn.
  • 02:20 The US economy is in trouble, with leading indicators pointing towards a worsening situation, as the country is living on borrowed money and time, despite propaganda from media outlets and government officials claiming otherwise.
    • An inverted yield curve is a strong indicator of an impending recession, and every recession since 1950 has been preceded by an inverted yield curve.
    • The US economy is in trouble, with leading indicators pointing towards a worsening situation, as the country is living on borrowed money and time, despite propaganda from media outlets and government officials claiming otherwise.
    • People are unaware of the truth because they are brainwashed and deceived by mainstream media.
  • 05:18 Despite signs of a tight labor market and no recession, claims of a recession and higher jobless claims suggest a fake and distracting environment, with the economy in free fall, people maxed out on credit card debt, major retailers acknowledging financial strain, and the stock market disconnected from reality due to easy money from central banks posing a massive threat to the economy.
    • Despite data showing a tight labor market and no signs of recession, there are claims of a recession and higher jobless claims, suggesting a fake and distracting environment.
    • During times of crisis, governments and media have a history of misleading the public, as seen in Germany during World War II and the 2008 financial crisis, highlighting the lack of accountability and connection to reality.
    • The economy is in free fall with people maxed out on credit card debt and major retailers acknowledging that consumers are financially strapped.
    • The stock market is disconnected from reality and inflated due to easy money from central banks, creating a massive threat to the economy.
  • 08:51 The market risk indicator is high, indicating a potential crash, and the Federal Reserve needs inflation to survive, but their actions may be causing bubbles in the stock and housing markets.
    • The market risk indicator has crossed the threshold of 250, indicating high risk in the market and causing global markets to fall.
    • The Federal Reserve needs inflation to survive and if action is not taken to keep rates suppressed, the market could experience a significant crash, particularly in the debt market.
    • Greg Mannarino is fired up and has many questions in his head.
    • The surge in interest in AI stocks has led to a disconnect between predictions of a stock market crash and the actual performance of the S&P and NASDAQ.
    • The Federal Reserve artificially suppressing rates has allowed cash to flow into risk assets, leading to an overreaction in the stock market and the creation of bubbles in both the stock market and housing market.
  • 13:23 Central banks create cash out of nothing to keep interest rates low, leading to inflation that people have to pay for, and the Federal Reserve’s power relies on its ability to inflate the economy through issuing debt.
    • Central banks create cash out of nothing by buying debt in order to keep interest rates at a certain level, which leads to inflation that the people have to pay for.
    • The Federal Reserve creates extra bills and buys large cap stocks to prop up the market, with the help of the New York Fed’s trading desk and the Plunge Protection Team.
    • The Federal Reserve’s power relies on its ability to inflate the economy through issuing debt, and if this ability is taken away, the central banks would collapse, leading to economic turmoil.
  • 15:42 The central banks raise interest rates to limit credit availability and crush the economy, but the real solution to inflation lies in contracting the money supply and increasing capital reserve requirements for larger institutions, while the current economic situation worsens.
    • Central banks raise interest rates not to control inflation but to limit credit availability to small businesses and crush the economy, and if they truly wanted to stop inflation, they could require larger institutions to raise their capital reserve requirements.
    • In order to slow down inflation, the money supply needs to be contracted, but the lie being sold to the people is that raising interest rates will solve the problem, when in reality, very few people understand how the financial system actually works.
    • The speaker emphasizes the importance of studying the markets and suggests that the current economic situation is worsening.
  • 18:50 The Federal Reserve’s suppression of interest rates is allowing cash to flow into risk assets, but if the U.S. 10-year yield and the strength of the dollar were to increase, it could lead to a sell-off in stock markets and the bursting of the debt market bubble.
    • The U.S. 10-year yield and the strength of the dollar are currently low, but if they were to increase, it could lead to a sell-off in stock markets and the Federal Reserve’s suppression of interest rates allows for the influx of cash into risk assets.
    • The debt market bubble is going to burst, causing a spike in the 10-year yield which would put pressure on the stock market.
    • Cash is moving out of the stock market and putting pressure on stock markets, but it doesn’t disappear, it just moves from one reality to another.
    • Commodities will skyrocket due to inflation caused by the overproduction of fiat currency, leading to a risk-on environment and cycles in the stock market and real estate.
  • 22:21 The current debt-driven market is unsustainable and the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of interest rates will lead to a significant market meltdown, potentially causing the Dow Jones Industrial Average and gold to reach a one-to-one ratio.
    • The current debt-driven market is grossly overvalued and unsustainable, and the Federal Reserve’s manipulation of interest rates has created a fake environment that will result in a significant market meltdown with the Dow Jones Industrial Average potentially reaching 6,000 and gold potentially reaching the same value, leading to a one-to-one ratio between the two.
    • The current economic situation is unsustainable due to the inflation caused by central banks continuously inflating the economy without any intention of slowing down.
    • Mannarino  discusses the importance of understanding the outlined concepts and promises to continue discussing the Federal Reserve in part two of the video.

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