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Top Three Videos – March 26, 2024

Edward W. Younkins: Ayn Rand and the Austrian Economists (March 24, 2024)

Mises Media...



Menger’s economic theory emphasizes human uncertainty, error, and the time-consuming nature of economic processes, while also promoting a value-free and objective approach to economics.


  • Menger sought to find the necessary characteristics of economic phenomena and their relationships, emphasizing human uncertainty, error, and the time-consuming nature of economic processes.
  • Manger Illustrated how Aristotelian induction could be used in economics and be based it on epistemology on artian induction.
  • Their shared biocentric concept of value holds that objective values support a man’s life and originate in a relationship between a man and survival requirements.
  • Economics should be value-free and untainted by bias, maintaining neutrality and objectivity with respect to the subjective values of others.
  • Objectivists maintain that there are objective values that stem from a man’s relationship to other existence in the world at a descriptive level.

Egon von Greyerz: Gold, Not Stocks, Will Be The Best Asset As The Global Debt Crisis Unfolds (March 25, 2024)...

Thoughtful Money...



Gold will outperform stocks as the global debt crisis unfolds, and it is essential to protect assets against extreme economic and geopolitical risks by investing in gold and silver.


  • Stocks will decline against Gold by more than 95% in coming years.
  • “I think wealth preservation is absolutely essential because I think the world economy, markets, and asset prices are going to collapse.”
  • The global economic and geopolitical risks are now bigger than ever in history, making the current situation extremely dangerous.
  • The combination of geopolitical, financial, and social problems presents bigger risks than ever in history on a global basis.
  • The US federal debt doubles on average every eight years, taking us to 100 trillion in 2036.
  • The global debt crisis is unsustainable and will lead to a collapse of the financial system and world economy.
  • Currencies may be destroyed, debt may collapse, and there may be a temporary money in the transition to a new monetary system.
  • Gold and silver are recommended as assets during the global debt crisis.

Ivor Cummins: Who's Really Behind The Great Reset (Not WEF) (March 25, 2024)...

Rebel Capitalist...



The Great Reset agenda is orchestrated by global elite and central planners to create a new world order, control population growth, and gain power and control through manipulation of gender identity, fear-mongering about climate change, and centralized energy control.

  • The ultra-rich elites are creating a corporate superstructure over three quarters of a century to orchestrate the insane stuff happening in the world.
  • The idea to put masks on everyone to continue the feeling of a pandemic was a calculated move by a smart person in their network.
  • The globalist Utopia aims for a social credit Chinese style system and a transfer of power.
  • Censorship during the pandemic was accepted because people were struggling for breath, but it’s the biggest strike against a healthy society.
  • The Great Reset is a strategy that benefits a select few while weakening society and profiteering from climate change initiatives.
  • “It’s like the War on Drugs…the only solution for Infinity is to just give me more power and control.” The Great Reset mirrors the pattern of abstract, unmeasurable issues used to justify gaining more power and control.
  • The Club of Rome mentioned that climate change is the perfect kind of Boogeyman for them to achieve their objectives, and that Humanity itself was now the enemy.
  • The Great Reset aims to combine technocracy, corporate methods, and AI to succeed where Stalin and Hitler failed.

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