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Top Three Videos – March 30, 2024

Peter Zeihan: Recession for (Almost) Everyone! (March 5, 2024)

Zeihan on Geopolitics...



The global economy is slowing down and facing recession, with the exception of North America, which is experiencing record growth due to Millennial consumption and government investment.


  • North America is one of the few regions that is still doing fairly well economically at the moment.
  • China’s population collapse and shortage of kids indicate a significant demographic shift with global implications.
  • Exporting raw materials to China is a huge problem for countries like Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia.
  • The global recession is affecting countries across the world, with no one being spared.
  • If the Europeans, Northeast Asians, and Chinese are done with economic growth, there may be limited options left for global export growth.
  • North America is the only region left where recession is not widespread, largely due to the United States’ leading growth.
  • The world is becoming sharply bifurcated, with North America standing out for its promising growth.
  • Recession is inevitable until some producers fall off the map altogether, leading to industrial growth and consumption growth in one place at the same time.

Peter St. Onge: $175 Trillion Social Security Shortfall! (March 26, 2024)...

Wall Street Silver...



Social Security and Medicare are facing a massive shortfall and will likely result in significant benefit cuts for Americans in the near future.


  • Social Security and Medicare are now underfunded by $75 trillion, roughly $1.4 million per household, which is significantly higher than the median household net worth in the United States.
  • Politicians stole every penny that went into Social Security and Medicare, replacing them with US government bonds, leading to a massive unfunded obligation of 175 trillion.
  • Both Social Security and Medicare were intentionally set up as Ponzi schemes, taking in a lot of money early and spending it, leaving both programs expected to run dry in the next 10 years.
  • There are only three ways to fix the Social Security shortfall: Slash the number of people who get benefits, raise the retirement age, or increase taxes.
  • “Payroll is a flat tax meaning voters hate it as much as they would hate all taxes if they too were flat.”
  • Congress will likely cut off the rich first and then move on to slashing Social Security checks and Medicare benefits for the middle class.

Andy Schectman: The Great Reset...BRICS, Bitcoin, and the Global Gold Rush (March 29, 2024)...

Natalie Brunell...



Central banks and countries are strategically accumulating gold and silver as a hedge against the potential collapse of the current financial system, and individuals should consider diversifying their investments to protect their wealth.



Global Economic Shifts and Power Dynamics

  • Central banks have been accumulating more gold than at any time in the last 100 years, reclassifying it as the world’s only other tier one reserve asset.
  • The concept of logarithmic decay and the idea of little by little by little then bang all at once is a fascinating way to look at the current global situation.
  • The Chinese are strategically taking control of commodity pricing by buying the London Metal Exchange and establishing the BRICS Grain Exchange to counter the influence of the Chicago commodity exchange.
  • The BRICS countries are strategically accumulating metals and using the Western suppression of prices to their advantage, gradually shifting the balance of power in the global market.
  • 📈
    The dollar divestment and push for alternatives like gold are already visible.
  • United Arab Emirates announced they are no longer taking oil for dollars, a provocative move that could have significant implications.
  • The US is 155 trillion in debt with only 5 trillion in assets, and the largest asset is $1.6 trillion in student debt, making the country broke and insolvent.
  • The financial system is built on “made-up IOUs and paper promises” that the average person doesn’t understand, leading to potential economic collapse and the rise of a dictator.
  • “The end of a Keynesian failed economic system based on debt and consumption and taxation rather than the Austrian one where it’s based on savings, investment, and reinvestment.”

Precious Metals as Wealth and Investment

  • Gold and silver are not just investments, but pure and simple wealth that has outlived wars, hyperinflation, and pandemics.
  • Silver is increasing in demand in green and digital applications, making it one of the best investments.
  • The slow and steady increase in the price of gold over the years shows its strength as an asset, making it a compelling reason to own it.

Alternative Currencies and Financial Systems

  • “Honestly I believe in Bitcoin because it does decouple money from the state and offers this asymmetric opportunity.”
  • “If you’re not a contrarian right now you’re destined to be a victim and if you are fully invested in dollars I believe you’re destined to go broke because everything good comes to an end.”

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