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Top Three Videos – October 15, 2023

Diving Deeper into the Fed's Trillion Dollar Loss

Human Action Podcast...


The Federal Reserve’s trillion-dollar loss raises concerns about its transparency, trust, and potential impact on the economy, potentially leading to increased scrutiny and a debate on its independence and decision-making abilities.

Financial Losses and Implications

  • The Fed is paying out more to its creditors than it is receiving in income from its assets, indicating significant financial losses.
  • The projected impact on the Fed’s interest income over the next 10 years is estimated to be a negative $979 billion, potentially reaching a trillion dollars.
  • The Federal Reserve is projected to lose $979 billion over the next 10 years, which will be carried as a negative liability on their balance sheet.
  • The Federal Reserve’s losses are a result of borrowing short-term and lending long-term, leading to significant losses in the future.
  • The Fed’s approach of selling assets and buying them back at a higher price is effectively a form of borrowing money.
  • The continuous operation of this system benefits the banks, as they receive hundreds of billions of dollars, which explains why the Fed doesn’t want to stop it.
  • The Fed’s massive losses indicate that the broader financial sector is also facing similar challenges with long-dated assets and higher interest rates on shorter-term liabilities.

Public Perception and Skepticism of the Fed

  • “It might seem extraordinary that a US Government institution could conduct any program that is likely to incur a cost of nearly 1 trillion to taxpayers without Congressional approval or even any forewarning about the magnitude of the risks.”
  • The Fed continues to pay interest on bank reserves to prevent banks from lending them out, as this could lead to inflationary pressures in the economy.
  • The Federal Reserve has been tightening by raising the rate it pays on reserves to keep banks from lending them out to customers at a higher rate, potentially causing existing monetary and credit creation to spill out into the broader monetary system even more.
  • “Who authorized the FED to take in enormous interest rate bet risking taxpayer money nobody. But the FED itself does quote Independence give the fed the right to spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars without Congressional approval that question needs to be debated.”
  • The bailouts and financial crisis in 2008 made people realize that there was a scam going on with the Fed, sparking interest and skepticism.

Federal Reserve’s Accounting Practices and Oversight

  • The Federal Reserve’s decision to not have their loss wipe out their capital raises questions about their accounting practices and the true financial health of the institution.
  • The accounting rule change provides a hint about the full implications of the Fed’s losses, and how people will interpret and question the Fed’s actions.
  • Some argue that the Fed has painted itself into a corner with its current operations, potentially limiting its options and flexibility in the future.
  • The Federal Reserve’s actions in managing its assets and liabilities have been risky and they may not have fully appreciated the extent of the risk they were taking on.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Warns We’re Raising a “Generation of Wimps”

The Howard Stern Show...


Embracing struggle and discomfort is essential for personal growth and building resilience, and we must stop coddling ourselves and raise a generation of tough, hardworking individuals.

Key insights

  • “It’s all about hard work…there’s no shortcut and you have to put the work in.”
  • “You can only strengthen your character and become a really strong person inside if you have resistance if you fail if you get up again and if you work hard and if you work your ass off and if you struggle.”
  • “Anyone that tries to Baby themselves and pamper themselves and trying to protect themselves…you’re never going to get there.”
  • “You have to be able to struggle…accept pain, misery, and discomfort…the more you experience the things that you really don’t like, the more you can grow and the tougher you get.”
  • “This country was built by ballsy women and men who struggled, fought, and worked their butts off.”

Seperation 101

Minor Issues...


The rise of separatist and independence movements in Spain and other countries highlights the need for nonviolent policy changes and greater decentralization to address regional grievances and prevent conflicts.

Key insights

  • Military experts predict record profits for weapons manufacturers during war, raising questions about the authenticity of politicians’ feelings and support for the conflict.
  • The fact that defense stocks become attractive during times of geopolitical tension highlights the profit-driven nature of the military-industrial complex.
  • Companies benefit from conflicts and spend billions on lobbying to influence political expenditure and ensure the continuation of their profits.
  • Independent media plays a vital role in addressing complex and difficult issues that cannot be effectively addressed through public opinion or democracy alone.
  • “It’s plain that this kind of conversation is a problem for the powerful… They want people angry, confused, and divided.”
  • “War is good for business” – A defense executive’s statement at an arms conference highlights the profit-driven nature of conflicts.
  • The arms industry benefits from conflicts like the Israel-Palestine conflict, leading to increased weapon sales and profits.
  • The revolving door between the US government and the weapons industry introduces bias into defense policy, highlighting the need to address corruption and conflicts of interest.

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