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Top Three Videos – October 6, 2023

Fed’s Recession Pivot! ft. Peter St Onge

Wall Street Silver...


Central banks, particularly the Fed, are causing a global economic downturn and investors should be prepared for a significant impact as interest rates rise.

Key insights

  • The low interest rates we are currently experiencing are a result of numerous rate cuts globally since 2008 and massive amounts of new Central Bank printing, which could have long-term consequences.
  • “Manipulating interest rates sets off an apparently endless series of boom-bust cycles that destroy millions of lives and trillions of wealth every go round.”
  • The Fed prioritizes fighting inflation over addressing potential recession due to the impact on voters’ ability to meet basic needs.
  • The official unemployment rate only includes individuals who are actively seeking employment, potentially underestimating the actual unemployment rate.
  • The current economic situation could potentially lead to a crisis on the scale of the 2008 recession, with the added challenge of stagflation.

Rick Rule: SILVER: The Most Hated Commodity

Liberty and Finance...


Investing in silver and other natural resources, such as uranium, can be a profitable opportunity if the negative narrative around them changes, and holding precious metals can provide a store of value in uncertain financial times.

Precious Metals and Investing

  • “I think if the narrative the anti-precious metals narrative changes to a positive precious metals narrative which I think it will, I think that speculators will be surprised by the silver market.”
  • Rapid fire question and answer sessions can lead to interesting and unexpected discussions.
  • The good times in the second tier stocks of the uranium market are just getting started, presenting an interesting opportunity for investors.
  • “I’m looking not for higher prices but for sharply higher prices.” – Rick Rule
  • “High quality Rare Earth deposits outside of China will surprise people to the upside as demand for them grows rapidly.”
  • As consumers become more concerned about Fiat currencies and the structure of the financial world, gold and silver will increase in attractiveness relative to other asset classes.
  • Rick Rule’s favorite moment in investing is when he has done the necessary work to determine he is likely right about something, even if the market hasn’t recognized it yet.

Global Energy and Environmental Issues

  • “An overt grab for your wealth through your IRA or gold might be met by some Americans with an armed response, whereas quantitative easing, inflation, increased taxes, and regulation are more popular methods.”
  • The misguided nature of ESG and the political pressure from illiterate and innumerate voters pose a real risk to the goal of providing more energy to the billion people on Earth with no access to primary electricity.
  • The realization moment of having a high probability of being right in an investment, with attractive rewards, is as exhilarating as a clear running field in front of a football player.

McCarthy is Fired: What Does It Mean for the Economy, Ukraine, and the Uniparty?

Radio Rothbard...


The ongoing budget battle highlights the Republican Party’s lack of seriousness in addressing economic issues and the need for change in leadership to prevent a major crisis.

Government Debt and Spending

  • “The ever growing burden of government debt has come a crisis without any political will to address it.”
  • “Since the mid-90s, budget deals have been consolidated into omnibus packages, leading to little debate on specific issues and allowing spending levels to continue increasing without resistance.”
  • The reality is that federal spending continues to rise, leading to high inflation, unmanageable government bond yields, and less funding for social programs like Social Security and Medicare.
  • “I mean just imagine what’s going to happen when a recession hits and we’re told they need to start massive amounts of spending to get the economy going again.”
  • The rate of growth in spending is astonishing and getting it back to pre-COVID levels will be a crisis-level event in DC.
  • The US is facing massive deficits and increasing debt, with interest on the debt becoming a major budget concern.
  • The concern over the runaway numbers and the long-term impact of high levels of debt.
  • “We are on the precipice of a major crisis and we’ve got to do something serious right now and project some sort of forward thinking.”
  • “They were still running 800 billion 900 billion dollar deficits and it was clearly in 2020. Whether there were whether Co had ever happened or not. It was going to top a trillion dollar deficit for no reason whatsoever.”

Leadership and Political Structure

  • The war machine will continue to fund itself, despite any debates or changes in leadership, indicating the persistence of military-industrial complex interests.
  • This excerpt compares the ruling class to out-of-touch monarchs who are shocked to find out that they are either hated or that the public is indifferent toward them, emphasizing their focus on palace coups and personal affairs rather than the concerns of the people.
  • Washington’s current structure is not meant to solve the country’s problems, and extreme measures like defaulting on debt or breaking up the Appropriations process may need to be considered.
  • Until radical leadership at the state level takes on concerns seriously, interesting things are being done at the state level, potentially indicating that states could be the solution rather than relying on Washington.

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