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Top Three Videos – March 24, 2024

John Rubino: U.S. Debt Crisis Signals HISTORIC COLLAPSE (January 30, 2024)

Sachs Realty...



The U.S. is facing a historic economic crisis, with no good options to avoid a hard landing, and savvy investors may benefit from the collapse.


Economic Collapse and Debt Crisis Predictions

  • The U.S. is at a crossroads, with no good options, and is headed for a historic crisis.
  • The FED will likely reassure about inflation, but deep down they know they’re kind of lying and the economy is not moving in the right direction.
  • There’s no real way to avoid a fairly hard landing this year, leading to an equities bear market.
  • The numbers are so big that there’s no fix, with $34 trillion in government debt and unfunded liabilities like Social Security and Medicare.
  • The collapse of the U.S. debt crisis may be terrible for those who trusted the government, but potentially great for savvy investors who see it coming.
  • The banking sector, along with other sectors, is on the verge of a crisis that governments will have to address with bailouts, leading to a domino effect of economic collapse.
  • Jamie Diamond warns of a US debt crisis, signaling a potential historic collapse as the nation’s runaway debt continues to mount.
  • John Rubino believes we are in an epic housing bubble, with house prices unaffordable for the average American.
  • The housing market could be the next bubble to burst, with prices potentially dropping by 40% in the next three years.
  • The next economic downturn could be much more serious than previous recessions, leading to chaotic and unprecedented consequences.

Government and Financial System Manipulation

  • “Are these guys utter morons stumbling towards a financial cliff or are they Evil Geniuses enacting a plan that’s 30 years old and has another 30 years to run and ends with us being de slaves to a very small aristocracy.”
  • The system is controlled by a handful of extremely rich and powerful people, gaming it for their benefit to the detriment of everybody else.
  • Acquiring skills and investing in precious metals are essential for financial stability in the face of a currency reset.


Matthew Piepenburg: Crisis and Shifts: Navigating Economic Uncertainty (March 22, 2024)...




The weaponization of the US dollar and the massive debt levels are leading to a significant shift in trust and value, causing central banks in the East to stack physical gold and dump US treasuries.


  • The weaponization of the US dollar is creating distrust and causing central banks in the East to stack physical gold and dump US treasuries.
  • Despite the shift, the US dollar still dominates global trade settlements, banking settlements, FX transactions, and derivatives markets.
  • The 2022 q1 event was as big a watershed moment for the US dollar as the August 1971 decision to abandon the goldback dollar, indicating a significant shift in trust and value.
  • The difference in debt levels between 1971 and today is staggering, with $400 billion in 1971 compared to $34 trillion today, highlighting the economic uncertainty we face.
  • The US has been living beyond its means for 50 years, accumulating trillions in debt, and deficits without tears is a fantasy.
  • Debt crisis leads to market, financial, and currency crises, which in turn leads to extreme political centralization from the left or the right.
  • More inflation, hidden and misreported, is being felt by everyone, along with permanent war caused by political opportunists who refuse to take accountability for failed policies.

Mark Thornton: The Drug War (March 23, 2024)...

Minor Issues...



Drug prohibition and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 have unintended consequences, leading to the early release of dangerous criminals and causing collateral damage, ultimately harming society.


  • People are better positioned to make decisions regarding their well-being than bureaucrats and politicians.
  • The War on Drugs has not only failed to protect people from making bad decisions, but it has made those mistakes far deadlier and has caused innocent bystanders to become collateral damage.

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