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Secret Substance: How successful investors find profitable investments

“To survive in this fascist police state, he thought, you gotta always be able to come up with a name, your name. At all times. That’s the first sign they look for that you’re wired, not being able to figure out who the hell you are.”

~ Philip K Dick, A Scanner Darkly


Written by Bryan Lutz, Editor at Dollarcollapse.com:


When we gaze into the popular ideas of politics and financial bubbles everything else in the world becomes a secret.


A secret substance, which we can’t put our finger on.


Because we’ve already found the answer, the important information gets buried…


And we ignore the obvious:


The world around seems as if it were governed by some policed narrative.


“Nothing to see here…”


“Make sure to follow the script.”


“Move along, now…”


Like your place in a system has already been decided.


All according to what content gets repeated the most.


That’s what happens in mainstream media.


In politics.


And in financial bubbles.


The majority of people have their blinders on.


As if, like John Locke says, by “careful and constant pursuit” we can profit, but so many find safety in doing what everyone else is doing.


It is ironic…


That in an effort to be as careful as we can, we follow the popular, safe ideas and end up losing in the end.


But that’s what happens.


The secret substance lays hidden…


For example, charts will not make you rich.


The ability to profit makes you rich…


And your ability to keep profit makes you rich.


Whether you find profit through working your whole life, owning a business, or finding a profitable investment, each of these will grant you more or less profit.


A popular political idea may help some profit for the moment, but…


It is nothing in comparison to the foundational skills and productivity of individuals that allow any government to fund itself in the first place.


Investing may provide 23% gains, 237% gains, or even the coveted 1,745% gain over a weeks time.


The reality is, if you only have $50 to invest – 23 percent is roughly… 10 bucks.


But, if you can understand what makes for a good, profitable business…


In an industry of your choice…


Then you’ll have no need for the popular narrative, or to follow any popular financial bubble – the “next big thing.”


If you aren’t following the “next big thing,” then you can profit based on what you know, or what you want to know…


As long as you have reliable information, you can do it.


That’s the secret substance behind profitable investing.

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