“Rich men still exist today, but more frequently than not they owe their fortune now directly or indirectly to the state. Hence, they are often more dependent on the state’s continued favors more than people of far lesser wealth.”
~ Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Democracy: The God That Failed
Written by Bryan Lutz, Editor at Dollarcollapse.com:
We may blame the Elite for our financial system, and the corruption of our society, but what creates the Elite?
Continuing along the lines of yesterday’s email the answer is:
The inclination toward conformity is what empowers elites.
Because the masses are inclined to want an equal playing field.
Here’s where it starts…
Before monarchy, we had “natural elites.”
These were leading, local, wise men. They owned land, managed the production of livestock, agriculture, and even became the mediators of the local population’s problems.
But when problem’s couldn’t be solved, or some men thought problems were too difficult for a council of men, they reasoned a monarchy would do much better.
They wanted a king.
A king could bypass the council of leading, local, wise men making law more efficient, but also coercing the population more efficiently into conformity.
Then, when we discovered the corruption of monarchy, we reorganized into a democratic system, which would more efficiently persuade the masses to conform.
In democracy, it doesn’t matter if you disagree with whatever ruling is made to support the system (or use the system), you are compelled to conform.
So men compete to change the system in their favor, and then use the system in their favor.
This is how Hans-Hermann Hoppe explains it in his book, ‘Democracy: The God That Failed’:
“Under democracy, the incentive structure is systematically changed. Egalitarian sentiments and envy are given free reign. Everyone, not just the king, is now allowed to participate in the exploitation—via legislation or taxation—of everyone else. Everyone is free to express any confiscatory demands whatsoever. Nothing, no demand, is off limits.”
So long as the system remains credible in its responsibility to make things equal, the masses will conform.
The masses will conform continually as long as demands are met.
Yet what happens instead of equality, is exploitation.
For example, take the creation of the Federal Reserve and Central Banking.
Central Banking, especially under a fiat system forces the masses into a system of indebted servitude while at the same time easy money provides the illusion of wealth.
This is where non-conformity becomes a sort of anti-trust.
When you choose not to conform, you choose to return to a system of “natural elites” in local communities, or in our day, networks.
You can even choose to become one of the leading, local, wise men or women, whom by their wisdom, care for those in their family and community when they have problems that can’t be solved.
In the old days, those were the kind and generous patriarchs that stood in the gap when conflicts arose, and when community buildings needed to be built, or when land needed defense.
Or when a widow needed employment…
Their non-conformity came back to them.
Sometimes in the form of gold, or other assets like food, animals, or equipment.
Those are the currency of the non-conformist.
So, since we’re here talking about the decline of the US dollar, fiat currency, the end of the Keynesian experiment…
Using gold to exit the system is a good place to start.
Gathering wealth outside of the system, building your network of friends, family, and fiduciaries, and focusing on work with your hands…
That is what it looks like to become a “natural elite.”
One of the good ones, that plans to give and not to take.
One that leaves a legacy.