Historic Commodity Cycle
Commodity prices reached extreme undervaluation relative to equities in 1929, 1969, 1999, and 2020, with the current market being the most extreme in a 150-year data set.
The classic commodity cycle involves money flowing out, causing depletion and tightening, leading to deficits and massive price increases as capital returns, reflecting the cyclical nature of commodity markets.
Uranium Market Dynamics
Kazatprom’s reduced 2025 uranium production guidance from 78-79 million pounds to 66 million pounds will exacerbate the structural deficit in the uranium market, indicating supply issues in 2026.
The uranium market faces a structural deficit for 3+ years, with inventories expected to be exhausted between 2021-2023, and Kazakhstan experiencing bottlenecks and acid shortages at new deposits.
Natural Gas Production Trends
US natural gas production is declining sharply, down 5% in 2023, with major shale basins like Marcellus and Permanian expected to roll over in 2024, following the pattern of earlier peaks in Eagleford (2015) and Bachan (2020).
Precious Metals Outlook
Gold stocks are at historically low valuations, with big producing companies cheap based on price to net asset value and discounted cash flow models, while exploration companies with promising projects are the most undervalued.
Silver typically lags behind gold in bull markets, eventually catching up with a 150-175% move, a pattern that has repeated throughout history.
Investor Behavior
Institutional investors, particularly hedge funds, are driving uranium investment, with performance pressure from allocators causing rapid changes in capital allocation, while retail investors’ emotional reactions and actual capital contribution remain unclear.