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Top Three Videos – August 14, 2024

Brent Cook: How to Identify the Best Mining and Exploration Companies (Aug 12, 2024)

Stansberry Research...



The combination of investor and geologist experience is crucial for making successful investment decisions in the mining and exploration industry.


  • The combination of investor and geologist experience is crucial for turning rocks into money in the mining and exploration industry.
  • It’s the place to go to find out if an exploration stock is even worth thinking about, let alone putting actual money into.
  • “What’s your narrative. What do you think is going to be happening in the big picture.” – Understanding the global economic impact on mining and exploration stocks is crucial for investment decisions.
  • It’s important to limit the number of companies in your portfolio to be able to follow them on a full-time basis, with the recommended maximum being 20 and a more manageable number being 10.
  • It’s not just about the grade of the deposit, it’s also about how much you make off what you’re mining.
  • Scandinavia is still under the radar for mining and exploration, with great infrastructure and favorable laws.
  • Copper is a good investment due to the electrification of the world and the shortage coming in the longer term.
  • It takes 10 to 20 years from Discovery to production, and we definitely do not have enough deposits on the horizon to come into production to fill what we’re going to need.

Bob Hoye: Trillions Spent on Climate Change a Waste of Money? (August 9, 2024)




The rising real price of gold is leading to a multi-year bull market for gold stocks, making gold mining operations more profitable, while trillions spent on climate change by governments is a waste of taxpayer money.


  • The rising real price of gold is leading to a multi-year bull market for gold stocks, making gold mining operations more profitable.
  • Raising taxes and putting in rules and regulations to control climate change may not be effective, as seen with the failure to end forest fires despite increased taxes.
  • In the 1500s, thousands of witches in northern Europe were executed for causing bad weather, showing the extreme measures taken to address climate concerns.
  • Comparing the hype around AI to the dot-com bubble, suggesting that the current excitement around AI may be overblown and reminiscent of past market bubbles.
  • Trillions spent on climate change by governments is a waste of taxpayer money. 

Alasdair Macleod: Stocks Dropped 89% - Will It Happen Again? (Aug 9, 2024)

Liberty and Finance...



The current economic situation is similar to the 1929 crash, and there are warning signs of a potential market imbalance and global tensions that could lead to a crisis.


  • The initial crash in 1929 is very much akin to the crisis we are facing now.
  • The system is breaking down and the middle class and lower class are feeling the strain, despite official news that the economy is strong and under control.
  • “I do see that there is going to be enormous clamping down on social media in this country, so anyone expressing a non-socialist view is likely to find that they’re either ostracized by the mainstream media.”
  • “Usually what happens towards the end of a bull market in equities is that you find that economic conditions are such that interest rates have already started rising.”
  • The current disparity between the S&P 500 and bond yields is the largest in history, indicating a potential market imbalance.
  • The FED’s actions in 1929, such as buying US treasuries and making reserves available for commercial banks, are similar to what they would do today with QE to stabilize the market.
  • The market saw a pernicious decline, with the Dow falling roughly 90% from the top by mid 1932.
  • The tensions in the Middle East are extremely concerning, with countries like America, the UK, and France preparing for potential war.

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