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Top Three Videos – December 17, 2023

David Morgan: US Dollar is Doomed (Dec. 10, 2023)...

USA Watchdog...



Greg Hunter talks with David Morgan, a silver enthusiast and newsletter writer on the decline of the US dollar, macro economics, and the value of precious metals.


Can The State Stop Bitcoin? (Dec. 13, 2023)...

Layah Hellpern...



Bitcoin’s decentralization and unseizability make it a potential game-changer in the dynamics of warfare and a solution to the corrupt money system that leads to totalitarianism.


Bitcoin’s impact on warfare and coercion

  • War is less profitable on a Bitcoin standard because Bitcoin is more difficult to seize, making it a potential game-changer in the dynamics of warfare.
  • Bitcoin reorganizes Human Action away from coercion, compulsion, violence, and towards cooperation, peace, and trade.
  • “Inflation and Taxation and all these forms of theft are just a gradient along that scale right you’re just pushing people back towards the edges of the Jungle and not letting them take control of their own life.”
  • “There’s an unseizable asset here that he can’t take so how then would the Hitler War Machine be funded in that scenario.”
  • China’s inability to squash Bitcoin mining despite its iron-fisted regime illustrates the magic of decentralization and resilience of the network.
  • If the most iron-fisted government can’t stop Bitcoin mining, then what state can? This is the real magic of decentralization.

Bitcoin’s role in reshaping economic incentives and societal organization

  • Bitcoin fixes price signals, preventing the distortion of capital allocation by the state and creating strong incentives for productivity and cooperation.
  • The madness we see in the world is a result of corrupt money, leading to mass psychosis and ultimately degenerating into totalitarianism.
  • Bitcoin is the hardest form of property, the most defensible bearer asset, and the best implementation of the ancient ideal of life, liberty, and property.
  • The fact that no institution can change the rules of Bitcoin and no central power can corrupt or stop it is the key value proposition of decentralization.
  • The defensibility of purchasing power with Bitcoin allows for total plausible deniability and privacy, even in the face of government tracking and coercion.

Will Texit Be on the GOP Primary Ballot in 2024? (Dec.15, 2023)...

Human Action Podcast...



There is a growing movement in Texas to potentially include the Texit issue on the GOP primary ballot in 2024, despite opposition from the Texas GOP, with many Texans considering the possibility of gaining independence from the federal government.

  • The party has retained the top ballot and petition attorney in the country to push back on Texit.
  • Polling among registered Republicans in Texas showed 76% favored Texit, reflecting a significant level of support for the issue.
  • “The real question that people are going to be asking themselves is look if Texas was independent right now knowing everything you know about the federal government would you vote to join the union.”
  • Texit will always have to be driven by the people who support it, as they are ignored by the political establishment and mainstream media.
  • Putting Texit on the GOP primary ballot could potentially destroy the issue inside the Republican party for a generation.
  • The political establishment does everything they can behind the scenes to cut the legs out from under Texit.
  • Challengers to incumbents are embracing a “Texas first” mentality and supporting a vote on Texit, with major challengers of the current governor signing a pledge to do so.
  • “The alternative to us gaining our independence is frankly unacceptable and so the federal government is going to have to do what it does.”
  • “We’re going to become a self-governing independent nation and we would encourage every other state to have the same conversation.”

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