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Top Three Videos – June 11, 2024

Doug Casey: How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World (June 8, 2024)

Doug Casey's Take...



The US seems to be provoking Russia and China into a wider conflict, which is incredibly dangerous and serves no useful purpose.


  • Both a US Civil War and World War III could happen at the same time, setting off one another and creating chaos in society.
  • The dollar milkshake theory suggests that the US dollar will be the last currency standing due to the substantial and sustaining demand for dollars overseas.
  • The best way to win a war is by means other than fighting the war.
  • The US seems to be trying to bait Russia and China into a wider conflict, which serves no useful purpose and is incredibly dangerous.
  • “It’s better to show than to tell and novels show how these things work as opposed to standing on a Pulpit and telling which is what you do in non-fiction.”
  • “It’s a mystery to me why would anybody want Putin gone if I was a martian Landing here on planet Earth and looking at the world leaders I would say this man seems more knowledgeable more thoughtful more reasonable better educated than just about any leader in the west at this point so that’s not a reason to hate him.”
  • The vast majority of your life is still within your control, the decisions you make every day are up to you.
  • The only wise man is somebody that knows that he doesn’t know anything.

Mark Thornton: The Minimum Wage (June 7, 2024)...




The minimum wage law has complex and far-reaching effects on the labor market, with both supporters and opponents having valid concerns, and it may have unintended consequences and distortions that disadvantage certain groups, such as young minorities.


  • The free labor market is a critical component of capitalism, with the rise of Western civilization and our standard of living not being an accident.
  • The minimum wage law can be seen as an obstacle to career development, rather than a solution to economic inequality.
  • The debate on minimum wage laws is complex and far-reaching, with both supporters and opponents having valid concerns and perspectives.
  • Labor groups and business groups have ulterior motives in supporting or opposing the minimum wage, disadvantaging manual labor and small businesses in favor of higher skilled labor and larger businesses.
  • Inflation has eaten away at the purchasing power of the minimum wage, causing distortions in post World War II labor markets.
  • The personal interest of businesses and union labor is too directly tied to increasing the minimum wage, making it difficult to accurately assess its impact on labor markets.
  • The original intent of minimum wage laws was to benefit the unskilled workers, but it’s important to consider the unintended consequences and distortions it may create.
  • The average unemployment rate for Black and Hispanic teens was 35%, showing the negative impact of the minimum wage on young minorities.

Andy Schectman: Watch This BEFORE Buying Gold & Silver (June 7, 2024)




It is important to accumulate gold and silver regularly as a form of wealth preservation, especially in uncertain times of potential global economic shifts and the potential loss of US Reserve status.


  • Gold and silver are not investments, but rather wealth that has outlived world wars, hyperinflation, and pandemics.
  • Owning gold and silver provides a form of mutable wealth that can be passed on for generations, unlike paper money.
  • “Chart of gold consistently moves from bottom left to top right, it’s essentially a move from bottom left to top right, and that’s not gold going up in value. It’s just your fiat currency is going down in value.”
  • The significance of the dollar as the world Reserve currency is not widely known, and it plays a crucial role in the current state of the markets.
  • The Bretton Woods agreement promised other governments a fixed rate of gold at $35 an ounce, but it was abandoned in 1971 due to excessive printing of dollars.
  • The markets are manipulated and there are no free markets, which will end badly due to the increasing debt and underfunded programs.
  • The potential downfall of the dollar as the global reserve currency could have major economic and geopolitical implications.
  • A spike in interest rates due to hyperinflation could have a domino effect, causing the collapse of the dollar, banks, insurance companies, real estate, and the stock market.
  • The shift from treasuries to commodities like gold is chipping away at the dollar’s hegemony, indicating a potential change in the global reserve currency landscape.

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