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Top Three Videos – June 12, 2024

Bob Moriarty: China's Gold Misunderstanding, Market Opportunity (June 11, 2024)

Gold Seek Radio...



The Chinese control of the price of gold and silver, along with the potential cracks in the market bubble, presents a great opportunity for investing in gold shares, especially in the Juniors.


  • The Chinese have been controlling the price of gold and silver for at least 6 months, despite the difficulty in sourcing gold, which is ultimately very good for gold.
  • Bob Moriarty predicts cracks in the market bubble, showing his expertise in predicting the future.
  • The rally in gold is being missed by the majority, and as long as the majority is skeptical, prices will continue higher.
  • The most bullish market Bob Moriarty has ever seen is also the most lopsided in history, with five stocks representing 54% of the trading in the S&P.
  • “I see gold shares especially in the Juniors as being incredibly cheap, and I think it’s a wonderful opportunity.”

Joel Skousen: How To Survive World War III (June 10, 2024)...

Liberty and Finance...



The US, NATO, and Russia are engaged in a proxy war, and the alliance between China, North Korea, and Russia could potentially trigger a global conflict.


  • The US, NATO, and Russia are in a proxy war, with Russia having the highest numbers of nuclear weapons mounted on intercontinental ballistic missiles of any nation in the world.
  • Russia’s actual goal is to reestablish the Soviet Union after faking its demise and receiving aid and trade from the West.
  • The globalists use communism to create crisis and war in order to push for globalist solutions.
  • Russia’s invasion of Belarus despite it not joining NATO shows that Russia is not genuinely concerned about defensive maneuvers.
  • China was intending to strike Taiwan about two years ago, and they were preparing military attacks and provocations.
  • The US’s new policy on Taiwan has destabilized China and stopped their plans for intervening until they are ready for a full-blown war with the US.
  • China’s potential nuclear arsenal may be much larger than previously estimated, with the possibility of over 500, maybe even a thousand warheads.
  • The alliance between China, North Korea, and Russia could potentially trigger a global conflict.
  • The strategy of absorbing a nuclear first strike to decapitate the military and push for a militarized global government is a concerning possibility in the event of World War III.

Brien Lundin's Insights: CEO of the Longest-Running Investment Conference (June 11, 2024)

Mining Book...



The metals and mining industry is experiencing a resurgence as investors turn to tangible assets like gold to protect and grow their wealth in the face of global economic uncertainty and inflation.

  • The origins of the metals and mining industry can be traced back to the suspension of Dollar’s connection to Gold in 1971, leading to a real inflationary spiral.
  • The tradition of educating investors about free markets and sound money is coming back into Vogue right now.
  • The younger generation is turning to assets backed by something real, like gold, after being exposed to high risk, high reward investments like cryptos.
  • The repercussions of the 70s are starting to come due and it’s coming to a head right now, so you’re going to want to own gold because things are only going to start to accelerate from now on.
  • The trend towards greater depreciation of purchasing power of currencies is a global phenomenon, affecting both developed and emerging economies.
  • The shift from financial assets to tangible assets like gold and silver is happening right now, recognizing the trend is crucial for wealth protection and growth.
  • Investing in the sector requires education, understanding key factors, and managing emotional investment in companies.
  • Gold has gained over 400 $ from the harshest rate hike cycle ever seen, so it should do much better during the rate cutting cycle.

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