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Top Three Videos – June 8 2023

Protect your savings from bank failures and Dollar collapse
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The Daily Gold: Gold Short & Medium Term Outlook

The Video Covers…

In this interview, Robert Sinn provides a short-term and medium term outlook for Gold. We discuss both the current bullish and bearish drivers and the outlook for the second half of the year.

Gold Holding up

Rate Cut Expectations

Before Market Senses Shift

Tight Policy Impact

June Outlook

Intricacies of Sentiment

Kitco Abandons Gold

Stock Market & Economy

When Stock Market Peaks

Peter St Onge: Government's Fake Job Numbers Exposed!

Key insights
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics revised their real hourly compensation estimates from a weak but positive gain to a drop of 4.7%, which is an astounding revision.
  • The government’s job numbers may not accurately reflect the reality of the job market, as people may be staying in their current jobs out of fear of not finding a replacement.
  • The institutional incentives for government statisticians may lead to inaccurate job numbers.
  • A significant change in sample size can greatly impact statistical accuracy, highlighting the importance of understanding any changes in data collection.
  • The government’s job numbers only reflect growing companies and government contractors, leaving out important data on small businesses and self-employed individuals.
  • The government’s job numbers may be inflated to support their budget, rather than accurately reflecting the job market.

Adam Taggart: Could These Parts Of The Debt Ceiling Deal Hasten A Recession?

Key Insights
Warning signs of a looming recession
  • There is a massive disconnect between the optimism of the markets and the underlying fundamental data, which is showing signs of a hard landing recessionary type picture.
  • The leading economic indicators have shown a steep drop-off for 13 months straight, historically indicating a recession is likely.
  • The Fed’s tightening mode could make the coming recession more prolonged and painful than it would otherwise need to be.
  • The extreme narrowing of the market presages the biggest market corrections we’ve seen over the past several decades.
  • “This bubble is bigger than the tech bubble in every way. It’s the largest bubble ever at least in recorded history.” – The current market bubble is larger than any previous bubble in recorded history, according to the speaker.
  • The mountain of debt around the world has to continue to be serviced, and the only way to do that is to make sure that asset prices don’t go down, which puts us in a dangerous place.
  • The current market bubble is the largest of all time and could result in a hard landing that is even worse than anticipated.
Potential impact of debt ceiling deal on the economy
  • The debt ceiling deal could potentially hasten a recession due to the uncertainty it creates in the market.
  • The debt ceiling deal could lead to a significant reduction in liquidity as the Treasury General Account is refilled, potentially hastening a recession.
  • The impact of the provisions in the debt ceiling deal on liquidity cannot be overstated and could have a significant negative impact on the market.
  • The debt ceiling deal, combined with other economic factors such as rising credit card debt and constrained spending, could lead to a significant deceleration in the economy. 

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