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Top Three Videos – May 15, 2024

Mike Maloney: "This Is the Greatest Manipulation of Gold In History" (May 14, 2024)




The outbreak of the pandemic has caused a significant shift in the gold market, revealing potential manipulation of gold prices and a discrepancy in the data of gold imports and exports between the USA and China.

  • The outbreak of the pandemic caused a significant shift in the gold market, revealing the greatest manipulation of gold in history.
  • The US is the major supplier to the Swiss gold refineries, with the gold being exported to China.
  • The comparison of the USA and China’s gold imports and exports reveals a significant discrepancy in the data.
  • The manipulation of gold through fractional reserve schemes is a significant concern for the commodities exchange.
  • The potential manipulation of gold prices could have caused a spike to $3,000, $5,000, or even $10,000, leading to uncertainty in the market.
  • Investigating the manipulation of gold is like investigating a murder case, someone needs to take this up.
  • They have an advantage. They know uh a few minutes before the price is set what the price is going to be and if the price is a little bit above or below that there’s an opportunity there to go long or go short and scrape up.
  • Gold flowing from west to east raises questions about the biggest gold manipulator in history.

Lyn Alden: Fiscal Dominance Is Threatening the U.S. Today warns (May 13, 2024)...

Stansberry Research...



Fiscal dominance is threatening the US economy, as rising debt to GDP and large fiscal deficits are leading to higher inflation and reducing the effectiveness of traditional monetary tools.


Fiscal Dominance and its Impact on the US Economy.

  • The FED wants you to believe they’ve got inflation under control but I believe we’ve only seen the beginning of a devastating new crisis.
  • The rising US deficit as a percentage of GDP during a period of economic growth and decreasing unemployment is an unusual macro phenomenon.
  • Fiscal dominance occurs when fiscal deficits and federal debts become large enough to reduce the options that a central bank has, making the fiscal side more impactful on the economy than the monetary side.
  • High inflation is not coming from excessive bank lending, but rather from very large fiscal deficits, making it difficult for high interest rates to effectively address the issue.
  • Fiscal dominance is threatening the US today, as the country enters a period where rising debt to GDP and the associated interest expenses start to actually matter.
  • We are in a period of higher than Baseline inflation for the foreseeable future until something more structural changes.
  • The Fed’s decision to outright buy T-bills in response to the repo rate blowout highlights the threat of fiscal dominance in the U.S. today.
  • Another energy price spike could manifest the structural fiscal dominance in the US, leading to higher CPI.
  • The FED is accommodating the treasury despite above Target inflation, leading to potential fiscal dominance threatening the US economy.

Monetary Policy and Emerging Financial Technologies

  • The rise of stable coins and Bitcoin allows for faster and more decentralized movement of capital, challenging traditional monetary systems and tools.

Paulo Macro & Le Shrub: How to Invest in an Inflationary Recession (May 14, 2024)...

Hidden Forces...



The current economic landscape is shifting, with potential for fiscal dominance, inflationary busts, and the breakdown of the international dollar system, leading to new investment opportunities and challenges.


Market Behavior and Policy Implications

  • Sharing trade ideas on Twitter led to a higher hit ratio, possibly due to feeling responsible for the average person reading them.
  • “The only thing you have at the end of the day is the humility to accept that you are going to make mistakes. These mistakes will cost real money, and just insulate yourself at every turn from your worst self so that you have a shot at really taking money out of the market over the long run while keeping your sanity and remaining a good person.”
  • “My default mechanism is when I feel something is going wrong, I sell a lot of stuff, and I just increase my cash position, and I keep writing about this that I feel as if cash is my hedge.”
  • The fear of Japanification in the US has shifted to the concept of fiscal dominance, where fiscal policy matters more than monetary policy, leading to potential capital movement.
  • The next crisis is not going to be like 2008, as the toolbox and incentives have changed, with policymakers discovering QE and fiscal authorities getting away with 6% deficits.
  • The breakdown of the international dollar system is a natural extension of the breakdown of the unipolar or bipolar world and the sphere of American influence.
  • The US may be entering an inflationary bust while China may be entering a deflationary boom, as indicated by recent market trends.
  • The experience of the Brazilian market in the 2010s, with high amplitudes and short wavelengths, presents a unique and contrasting perspective on market behavior compared to the US.
  • Inflation may be running higher than reported, leading to negative real yields and a potential struggle to maintain purchasing power.
  • The value of one year’s platinum supply is the same as one day of treasury issuing bonds, making commodities a better investment than long-term treasuries.

Inflationary Recessions and Monetary Illusions

  • “Inflationary recessions create monetary illusions.” – Paulo Macro
  • Inflationary recessions create monetary illusions, leading to real-world impacts on businesses and consumer behavior, which can become embedded if expectations are not managed.

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