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Top Three Videos – November 3, 2023

Ayn Rand: The Virtue of Selfishness



Ayn Rand, a Russian emigre, developed a philosophy of individualism and capitalism that influenced powerful people in America, despite facing personal struggles and experiencing the violence of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Key insights

  • Ayn Rand’s radical beliefs in individualism, militant atheism, and libertine lifestyle made her a controversial figure in her lifetime and still provoke debate today.
  • Ayn Rand’s decision to leave Russia was a matter of life and death, as staying would have likely resulted in her imprisonment or death.
  • Despite facing rejection and criticism, Ayn Rand persevered in her writing career and eventually achieved breakthrough success with her novel “The Fountainhead.”
  • The novel celebrates the glory of human achievement, the creativity that brings value to people’s lives, and the importance of being true to oneself.
  • Working with Brandon, Rand developed her philosophy of unfettered individualism, pro-capitalism, anti-religion, and the celebration of self-interest as humanity’s driving force.
  • Ayn Rand’s novel “Atlas Shrugged” was a bestseller and cemented her as one of the most influential writers in America.
  • Politicians, actors, CEOs, and ex-presidents today proudly declare themselves as fans of Ayn Rand’s work, highlighting her enduring influence and relevance.
  • Ayn Rand’s story is that of a woman who defied societal norms and lived life on her own terms, making her a unique and inspiring figure.

Bob Moriarty: This Would Mean Catastrophe For Financial System

Liberty and Finance...


There are potential economic and geopolitical risks that could lead to a collapse of the financial system, and investing in precious metals and land can be a way to prepare for and protect against these risks.

Key insights

  • “It’s going to be 100 times worse. Today.”
  • An oil embargo would have a catastrophic impact on the financial system, potentially leading to a global conflict between the debt-based system of the West and the resource-based system of the East.
  • The collapse of the financial system would be a horrible thing, but the alternative of a potential World War I scenario is far more horrifying.
  • The current geopolitical tensions involving countries like Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Oman could potentially result in the shutdown of oil supply, causing a catastrophic impact on the financial system.
  • The debt market collapse could potentially lead to the collapse of all other fiat currencies worldwide and cause banks outside the US to fail as well, highlighting the need for a new monetary system based on gold and silver.
  • The speaker predicts that in the next six weeks, we could see bigger changes than in the last 5,000 years, indicating the severity of the current situation.
  • “Mining stocks have been absolutely clobbered since March, but it’s a great time to put stink bids and I don’t think you will ever see mining stocks cheaper than they will be between now and mid-December.”
  • The US adding $600 billion in debt in just one month is a scary and potentially catastrophic event for the financial system.

Elon Musk: George Soros 'fundamentally hates humanity'

Sky News...


George Soros is actively working to undermine society by manipulating laws and institutions.

“Soros realized that you don’t actually need to change the laws, you just need to change how they’re enforced.”

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