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Top Three Videos – September 1, 2024

Doug Casey: Tough Times Ahead (Aug 28, 2024)

Doug Casey's Take...



The current state of the world is characterized by a decline in freedom, an increase in government control, and a threat to Western Civilization, and individuals must take personal responsibility to protect themselves and their values.


Government Overreach and Abuse

  • “How can you put people in jail for three years without trial, I mean I thought that was against the law wasn’t it.”
  • “We will come for you” – a serious threat from a government official to local election certifiers who might not certify the vote.
  • You can’t believe anything except maybe threats from these people.
  • The German government is closing down magazines that promote freedom and free speech, a disturbing trend that echoes the country’s dark past.
  • Doug Casey thinks that even private messaging apps like Telegram may not be secure, saying “I don’t assume anything is private”.
  • When a failing country imposes foreign exchange controls or capital controls, it’s essentially a way for the government to “feed off the population” and restrict their financial freedom.
  • Your biggest danger as an investor is not financial markets or economic risks, but political risks, what your government’s going to do to you.
  • This coming election is going to be accompanied by violence of some type from whichever party loses.
  • The collapse of the Roman Empire is similar to what’s happening now, where leaders are no longer from the heartland, but from the provinces.
  • The values of Western Civilization, which are the most important in world history, are being washed away very quickly.
  • The lefties actually want to overthrow the whole basis of civilization.
  • The good old USA we used to know and love basically jumped off the top of a 100-story building about 95 years ago and we haven’t hit the ground yet.

Personal Responsibility and Financial Freedom

  • If you really want to do anything, you have to accept a lot of responsibility, radical responsibility for your personal situation and do what you can within it.
  • You can’t rely on others to save you, you have to accept the responsibility of your life and the burden of this moment in history.


Chris Vermeulen: Masses About To Rush Gold (Aug 24, 2024)

Liberty and Finance...



The stock market is due for a major correction and a potential bear market, which will lead to a surge in gold prices and premiums, setting up a super cycle for gold that could last for five to six years.


  • If gold runs to about 2650 or 2750, there’s probably going to be even bigger premiums because it’s going to be like headline news.
  • If we get into a bear market phase with stocks and we get into a tough economy, they’re going to cut rates as stock markets fall, which will send bonds higher.
  • We haven’t seen volatility and that much fear since the covid crash and the 2008 financial crisis.
  • The underlying technicals from a big picture standpoint have broken down and price is still holding up but pretty much everything under the hood kind of Hidden Away that most people don’t see about the financial system or the stock market has completely broken down and crumbled.
  • When gold starts making new all-time highs, it pulls more people to the commodity, causing retail investors to buy physical metal and squeeze premiums higher.
  • Gold is setting up for a super cycle that we haven’t seen since early 2009, with a potential five to six year run to the upside.
  • I believe the stock market will eventually have its own big correction like they can only Kick the Can down the road.
  • There will be a big reset and it will be named after the cause, possibly the “AI bubble”.

Nevada King Gold: “On The Hunt for a Monster Gold Deposit” (Aug 22, 2024)

Palisades Gold Radio...



Nevada King’s use of advanced geophysical tools has revealed significant gold mineralization potential at the Atlanta district, suggesting a much larger and more extensive gold deposit than previously suspected.


  • Nevada King’s work at Atlanta has shown that the district has far more potential than anyone ever suspected.
  • Having powerful geophysical tools has dramatically changed their potential at Atlanta.
  • If it’s strong enough to do what it’s doing at the Atlanta mine proper, all of a sudden boom you’ve got a giant on your hands.
  • The results from the EAS Ridge Target showed over 20 M of over a gram material, indicating a potentially significant gold deposit.
  • The discovery of low resistivity and intrusive rock associations opens up a very large area for potential gold mineralization.
  • We put a hole Down based upon a geophysical anomaly quite a way to the West that hole came back with a long length of moderate grade mineralization.
  • The Intercept in the last hole was a wild intercept, with 42.7 M of 4.67 G per ton gold, including 18.3 M of 7.94 G per ton gold, sparking questions about what is causing this strong mineralization.
  • It’s not just one zone, this is a system that extends through the entire Cera. 

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