The ongoing economic decline and government failures necessitate the adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as viable alternatives for financial survival and personal empowerment.
Economic and Financial Insights
The 2008-2009 financial crisis was predictable due to unsustainable debt growth, but the media and government gaslighted the public into believing everything was fine.
Austrian economics and cryptocurrencies align perfectly, as they both challenge government monopoly on currency issuance and enable extrajudicial protection and price setting.
Capital flight from major economies is imminent as desperate governments become increasingly parasitic and exploit power through violence against the public.
Political and Social Commentary
The weaponization of the American judiciary against political interests is a recurring theme, with the FBI and DOJ targeting perceived enemies instead of protecting the free market.
The 2020 US election is likely to be polarizing and potentially lead to civil war, with a 48-52% split in the country and tensions over gun ownership.
The Canadian healthcare system is notorious for its inefficiencies and inequities, with people paying high taxes for declining quality of care.
Historical and Future Perspectives
The collapse of civilizations is inevitable, as exemplified by the fall of the Roman Empire, with history rhyming according to Mark Twain.
Bitcoin represents a mass awakening as a cloud-based intangible asset, but its growth is limited by the number of people who understand it, currently very limited.