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Top Three Videos – August 25, 2024

Mike 'Mish' Shedlock: "Way Too Much Is Priced Into This Market" (Aug 20, 2024)

Thoughtful Money...



Economist Mike “Mish” Shedlock predicts a US recession and a market correction due to overpriced markets, distorted economic data, and asset bubbles created by the Fed’s QE policies.


Market and Economic Trends

  • I think way too much is priced into this Market.
  • I think we’re actually in a recession already.
  • I’m pretty convinced of a recession in the US, I’m even more convinced of it despite today’s retail sales numbers.
  • Delinquencies are now at the same levels as 2009, but this time they’re rising, not falling.
  • “I think we’re going to see at least 3/10 of a percent decline next month in the year-over-year and at least three more tents in the month after that.”
  • “I’m pretty confident here that we’re going to see a very sharp slowdown in jobs, maybe even in the next job report.”
  • We’re overstating employment by anywhere from three quarters to a full million, and employment is down and trending lower in almost every category.
  • “Way Too Much Is Priced Into This Market”
  • I think the next job report’s going to be a disaster.

Societal and Global Implications

  • Ivy Zelman, a highly respected real estate analyst, thinks that maybe the US has already crossed the threshold to becoming a renter nation, where the wealthy own all the real estate and rent it out to those who can’t afford to buy.
  • The boomer generation owns the majority of financial assets and has been less impacted by the rise in cost of living because the assets they’ve owned have gone up.
  • China is highly unlikely to pull the global economy out of a recession this time, unlike in the past.
  • The US is repeating the same mistake with electric vehicles, prioritizing domestic production of batteries and parts, which could lead to higher prices and hinder adoption.
  • China is subsidizing US consumers and we’re saying we don’t want it, we’d rather have US consumers pay more.
  • 75% of revisions to economic data sets are always to the downside and pretty substantial, making it difficult to put faith in these data sets.
  • Revisions to the jobs report are expected to be significant, with potential revisions of 700,000 to 1 million jobs, which will be revealed when the QCEW report is released on August 21st.

Chris Ritchie: Why Silver Prices Are Set to Explode (Aug 16, 2024)

Sprott Money...


Silver prices are poised to surge due to a combination of factors, including a persistent supply deficit, increased money printing, and a shift in demand, making it a lucrative investment opportunity.
  • The US has increased the debt ceiling 74 times since 1960, making it questionable to store wealth in an instrument that sees its value diluted so frequently.
  • “We cannot make up the Gap by any other way than printing in my view.”
  • “A lot of us also own mining shares because we’re like wow you know gosh The Leverage they provide you know and all that kind of stuff but yet some of these companies man like people buy Newmont because it’s the biggest one but if you pull up a chart at numont over the last 40 years Gold’s gone up six times and newmont’s basically the same price.”
  • The true total cost to produce an ounce of silver is over $25, including the cost of land, years of exploration, developing the mine, building the plant, and inflation.
  • The world has been conditioned to think that holding our wealth in US Dollars is a store of value and it is not.
  • Holding gold and silver is considered better governance, as it protects against the risks of spending large sums of money over long periods of time.
  • Only one out of 750 mining projects actually makes it to production, highlighting the challenges of the industry.
  • With gold and silver, mining companies can store it extremely easily and it’s a better money anyway, so they don’t have to be price takers.

Lyn Alden: Gold: Why It Hit All-Time Highs, Central Banks, & Portfolio Strategies (June 15, 2024)

We Study Billionaires...



Central banks are buying gold at a record pace to diversify their reserves and prepare for potential shifts in the global economic landscape, driven by concerns about currency stability, inflation, and geopolitical risks.


Central Banks and Gold Accumulation

  • Gold tends to do well in inflationary times when the Central Bank hasn’t really acted yet or they’ve tried to act and they’ve not really been able to contain it.
  • The bulk of the buying in the recent gold rally is coming from foreign central banks as well as from foreign private sector, notably in Asia.
  • Central banks bought more than 1,000 tons of gold in 2022 and 2023, a significant amount compared to the estimated 2,500 to 3,000 tons of gold mined annually.
  • When the dollar is weakening, central banks tend to accumulate assets, including treasuries and gold, by increasing their reserves.
  • Accumulating reserves can take away from wage earners and savers, as it prevents the currency from strengthening, and instead flows capital to the top, giving policymakers more control over it.
  • China is currently the biggest Central Bank buyer of gold, while Western Europe and the US are noticeably absent from the list of major gold buyers.
  • Countries that find themselves “out of the club” will face a rougher and different future.
  • Estimates suggest that massive amounts of gold, around 20,000 tons, have moved from west to east, particularly to China, sparking speculation about the true extent of China’s gold holdings.

Monetary Policy and Currency Dynamics

  • The monetary base might only be 40% backed by gold, and the M2 money supply might be 5 to 10 times larger than the monetary base, leading to an expansion of the money supply.
  • If they were to try a gold standard, it’d be a big reset, but then over decades you probably would break all those pegs again because there’s no firm tether between the amount of gold and overall loan creation.
  • The Fed can devalue the dollar by creating reserves to buy gold, which would increase the value of gold, lead to more inflation, and partially relieve debtors.
  • The Congressional Budget Office expects $20 trillion in new treasuries to be issued over the next 10 years, while only $2.5 trillion in new gold will be produced at current prices and production rates.
  • The market doesn’t believe the government’s rate hikes, so it’s going to own gold anyway because the math is no longer checking out.

Gold’s Performance in Economic Environments

  • Gold and silver tend to do very well in inflationary decades, such as the 1910s, 1940s, 1970s, and 2000s, which were also big energy bull markets.
  • Gold might not rise in a year when inflation is high but the market expects the central bank to quash it with hawkish policies, but it tends to do well when money supply is increasing and inflation is building but the central bank hasn’t acted yet.
  • When real rates are positive, people generally flock towards treasuries rather than gold, but when inflation is at or above the treasury rate, capital flows towards scarce assets like gold.
  • Gold held steady and even broke out to new all-time highs in dollar terms despite high real rates, which is unusual.

Gold as a Store of Value and Safeguard

  • If you wake up and your account’s hacked or the government freezes all brokerage accounts, holding assets like physical gold or Bitcoin in your possession can be a safeguard.
  • Gold was the one thing stronger than the US system, and the US government had to worry about capital flowing to it instead of their bonds.


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